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«2014 2015 2016 »
40 captures
1 Feb 14 - 9 Dec 17
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Kalinová B., Břízová R., Knížek M., Turčáni M., Hoskovec M.:
Volatiles from spruce trap-trees detected by Ips typographus bark beetles: chemical and electrophysiological analyses.
Arthropod-Plant Interactions 8: 305-316, 2014.

Vaníčková L., Virgilio M., Tomčala A., Břízová R., Ekesi S., Hoskovec M., Kalinová B., Do Nascimento R.R., De Meyer M.:
Resolution of three cryptic agricultural pests (Ceratitis fasciventris, C. anonae, C. rosa, Diptera: Tephritidae) using cuticular hydrocarbon profiling.
Bulletin of Entomological Research 104: 631-638, 2014.

Siciliano P., He X.L., Woodcock C., Pickett J.A., Field L.M., Birkett M.A., Kalinová B., Gomulski L.M., Scolari F., Gasperi G., Malacrida A.R., Zhou J.J.:
Identification of pheromone components and their binding affinity to the odorant binding protein CcapOBP83a-2 of the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata.
Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 48: 51-62, 2014.

Hessler F., Korotvička A., Nečas D., Valterová I., Kotora M.:
Syntheses of a Flobufen Metabolite and Dapoxetine Based on Enantioselective Allylation of Aromatic Aldehydes.
European Journal of Organic Chemistry 2543-2548, 2014.

Killer J., Votavová A., Valterová I., Vlková E., Rada V., Hroncová Z.:
Lactobacillus bombi sp. nov., from the digestive tract of laboratory-reared bumblebee queens (Bombus terrestris).
International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 64: 2611-2617, 2014.

Kofroňová E., Nekola A., Cvačka J., Kindl J., Valterová I.:
Fatty Acids from Pool Lipids as Possible Precursors of the Male Marking Pheromone in Bumblebees.
Molecules 19: 2330-2343, 2014.

Motloch, P., Valterová I., Kotora M.:
Enantioselective Allylation of Thiophene-2-carbaldehyde: Formal Total Synthesis of Duloxetine.
Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis 356: 199-204, 2014.

Žácek P., Kaluža L., Karban J., Storch J., Sykora J.:
The rearrangement of 1-methylcyclohex-1-ene during the hydrodesulfurization of FCC gasoline over supported Co(Ni)Mo/Al2O3 sulfide catalysts: the isolation and identification of branched cyclic C7 olefins.
Reaction Kinetics, Mechanisms and Catalysis 112: 335-346, 2014.

Cristaldo P.F., DeSouza O., Krasulová J., Jirošová A., Kutalová K., Lima E.R., Šobotník J., Sillam-Dusses D.:
Mutual Use of Trail-Following Chemical Cues by a Termite Host and Its Inquiline.
PLoS One 9: e85315, 2014.

Jirošová A., Majer P., Jančařík A., Dolejšová K., Tykva T., Šobotník J., Jiroš P., Hanus R.:
Sphinganine-Like Biogenesis of (E)-1-Nitropentadec-1-ene in Termite Soldiers of the Genus Prorhinotermes.
ChemBioChem 15: 533-536, 2014.

Vinokurov K., Bednářová A., Tomčala A., Stašková T., Krishnan N., Kodrík D.:
Role of adipokinetic hormone in stimulation of salivary gland activities: The fire bug Pyrrhocoris apterus L. (Heteroptera) as a model species.
Journal of Insect Physiology 6: 58-67, 2014.

Šobotník J., Kutalová K., Vytisková B., Roisin Y., Bourguignon T.:
Age-dependent changes in ultrastructure of the defensive glands of Neocapritermes taracua workers (Isoptera, Termitidae).
Arthropod Structure & Development 43: 205-210, 2014.

Zahradníčková H., Tomčala A., Berková P., Schneedorferová I., Okrouhlík J., Šimek P., Hodková M.:
Cost effective, robust and reliable coupled separation techniques for the identification and quantification of phospholipids in complex biological matrices: Application to insects.
Journal of Separation Science 37: 2062-2068, 2014.