
Recent publications

Feng Y., Valley M.T., Lazar J., Yang A.L., Bronson R.T., Firestein S.J., Coetzee W.A., Manley J.L.:
SRp38 Regulates Alternative Splicing and Is Required for Ca2+ Handling in the Embryonic Heart.
Developmental Cell 16: 528-538, 2009.

Lazar J.: A method for obtaining structural and functional information on proteins, based on polarization fluorescence microscopy, and a device implementing said method.
Patent #302233 of the Industrial Property Office of the Czech Republic (2010).

Lazar J., Bondar A., Timr S., Firestein S.J.:
Two-photon polarization microscopy reveals protein structure and function.
Nature Methods 8: 684-690, 2011.

Timr S., Bondar A., Cwiklik L., Stefl M., Hof M., Vazdar M., Lazar J., Jungwirth P.:
Accurate Determination of the Orientational Distribution of a Fluorescent Molecule in a Phospholipid Membrane.
Journal of Physical Chemistry B 118: 855-863, 2013.

Bondar A., Lazar J.:
Dissociated G GTP and G Protein Subunits Are the Major Activated Form of Heterotrimeric Gi/o Proteins.
Journal of Biological Chemistry 289: 1271-1281, 2014.

Lazar J.:
A method for obtaining structural and functional information on proteins, based on polarization fluorescence microscopy.
Patent #8,643,177, United States Patent and Trademark Office (2014).

Han Z., Jin L., Chen F, Loturco J.J., Cohen L.B., Bondar A., Lazar J., Pieribone V.:
Mechanistic Studies of the Genetically Encoded Fluorescent Protein Voltage Probe ArcLight.
PLoS One 9: e113873, 2014.