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The Czech Academy of Sciences  › About the CAS  › medailonky

PhDr. Zdenka Mansfeldová, CSc.

mansfeldova.jpgDr. Zdenka Mansfeldová is a senior research fellow at the Institute of Sociology, Academy of Science of the Czech Republic, where she a deputy director and head of the department for political sociology. She has specialized in political sociology and has concentrated on the study of the functioning of modern democracies and their institutions, political (parties, parliament) and non-political forms of interest representation , with a long-lasting interest in social dialogue. Since 1990 she has participated in more than 30 research projects, including international projects and projects funded by the European Union under the Sixth Framework Programme as New Modes of Governance (NEWGOV), Integrated and United: a Quest for Citizenship in an “ever closer Europe” INTUNE, Reconstituting Democracy in Europe (RECON), and Socio-Economics meets Security (SECONOMICS) funded by 7th FP. She did research and lectures in several countries like in Austria, Germany, Bulgaria, Japan, Taiwan. She published many articles and book-chapters, co-authored several books. To the most important publications belong: Kitschelt, H., Mansfeldová, Z, Markowski, R. and Tóka, G. (1999). Post-Communist Party Systems. Competition, Representation, and Inter-Party Co-operation. Cambridge: University Press; Mansfeldová, Z. (ed.) 2003. Czech Republic: The First Elections in the New Republic, 1992-1996. Analyses, Documents and Data. Berlin: edition sigma; Tholen, J., Cziria, L., Hemmer, E., Kozek, W. and Z. Mansfeldová, 2007. Labour Relations in Central Europe: The Impact of Multinationals´ Money. Ashgate Publ., Aldershot/UK; Mansfeldová Z., Stašková Špicarová B., 2009. Identity Formation of Elites in Old and New Member States (with a Special Focus on the Czech Elite). Europe-Asia Studies, Vol. 61, No. 6, pp. 1021–1040; Mansfeldová Z., 2011. Central European Parliaments over Two Decades – Diminishing Stability? Parliaments in Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovenia. The Journal of Legislative Studies, Vol. 17, No. 2, pp. 128-146.


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