
Academic bulletin / Živa

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Czech physicists have revealed another law of friction force


25 Sep 2013

A new concept of a direct measurement of the lateral forces (of friction) on the atomic level using a modified atomic force microscope was presented by the researchers from the Institute of Physics of the CAS in cooperation with colleagues from the university in Regensburg. In the past few days, their work has been published in the journal Physical Review Letters (see the abstract). This advance opens entirely new possibilities in the study of friction. The importance of the work is proved by the fact that the article was selected by the editors of the journal for inclusion in the section Editors' Suggestion and Physics Viewpoint (see here). The article was also referred to in the pages of the journal Physics Today (see here). For more information, see the press release.

The biggest science contest of this Autumn already has its winners!


25 Sep 2013

The Czech Academy of Sciences in close cooperation with the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports hosted on September 20 – 24, 2013 a prestigious science contest for talented young students – European Union Contest for Young Scientists (EUCYS). A prestigious projects show of young talented scientists which was held in Prague for the first time, has announced its winners. The exhibition took place at the Exhibition Grounds in Prague- Holešovice where 124 participants from 37 countries arrived and the European Schools.


CZ-OPENSCREEN – a new chance in the battle with serious diseases


24 Sep 2013

Opening of a top centre
A research centre with the latest equipment at the top European level – CZ-OPENSCREEN: National Infrastructure for Chemical Biology –was ceremonially opened today at the complex of the Academy of Sciences of the CR in Krč in Prague with Minister of Education, Youth and Sports Dalibor Štys in attendance. The unique scientific workplace was created within the framework of the Institute of Molecular Genetics of the CAS and is focused on basic research in the area of chemical biology and genetics. Researchers will seek new chemical compounds that will be used as the basis for the development of new medications or as an instrument for more detailed understanding of cellular processes. For more information, see the press release.

Mars: The Next Step


17 Sep 2013

The visit of the NASA geologist Dr. James Rice
At the beginning of a lecture tour by NASA’s preeminent expert on Mars research Dr. James Rice, a press conference took place on Tuesday, 17 September 2013 at the headquarters of the Academy of Sciences of the CR in Prague. Other than the American scientist, also the Ambassador of the USA in Prague Norman L. Eisen and Vice-President of the CAS RNDr. Jan Šafanda, CSc. appeared. “Through this event, the CAS is trying to show the public that space research in which a number of academic institutes are involved and which costs a great deal of money returns bounteously to society – both through expanding our knowledge of the solar system and also a number of practical applications and technological innovations,” said J. Šafanda.

The HOPX Gene and its Influence on the Metastasis of Tumours


17 Sep 2013

A new function of the HOPX gene, which places it among the not very numerous group of genes responsible for the change of the cell of the primary tumour into a metastatic cell, was described by a scientific team at the Institute of Molecular Genetics of the CAS led by Dr. Jiří Hejnar. Their discovery was published in August this year in the international journal Molecular Cancer Research (see abstract). It is a generally known fact that in tumour illnesses the main cause of death in patients are precisely metastases, the secondary centres of the tumour scattered in distant organs and tissues, which resist surgery, radiation and are not very sensitive to chemotherapy.

Killifish of the African savannahs are record-breakers in the speed of adolescence


5 Sep 2013

The killifish of the genus of Nothobranchius – small annual fishes from the savannahs of East Africa– are real record-breakers. Their extremely short life is connected with the fastest sexual maturation of all vertebrates. This significant discovery by scientists from the Institute of Vertebrate Biology of the CAS in Brno has now been published in the international journal EvoDevo as a component of its articles on life in extreme conditions (see the abstract). The investigation of killifishes living in savannah pools created during the seasonal monsoon rains.

A new method of Brno scientists can non-destructively study living organisms


4 Sep 2013

The prestigious American journal Microscopy and Microanalysis has published a study (see the abstract) by Brno scientists Ing. Eva Tihlaříková and Ing. Vilém Neděla, Ph.D., from the Institute of Scientific Instruments of the CAS. Thanks to their new method, it is possible to observe living organisms in a special environmental scanning electron microscope, without it costing their lives. The method moves the frontiers of electron microscopy towards a more considerate way of studying living nature and can be beneficial in biology and pharmacy as well as for instance in food processing. For more details, see the press release.

Orkney voles repeal the path of the colonisers and the genetic ark


4 Sep 2013

Early farmers had already brought the field vole to the Orkney Islands north of Scotland 5100 years ago by boat, most likely from the coast of today’s Belgium, and so maintained the genetic diversity that disappeared from Europe. These conclusions highlight research of an international team of scientists led by the University of Aberdeen (United Kingdom) and Cornell University (USA), which was published on Tuesday, 3 September 2013 in a major professional journal Molecular Ecology (see the abstract). Also researchers from the Institute of Vertebrate Biology of the Academy of Sciences of the CR were involved in one of the most extensive studies of its type.

Cubisti Cubismo


4 Jun 2013

The Director of the Institute of Art History, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prof. Vojtěch Lahoda, was involved in the preparation of the international exhibition Cubisti Cubismo, which is open from 8 March to 23 June 2013 at the Complesso Monumentale del Vittoriano in Rome. The curator, Charlotte N. Eyerman, an art historian from Los Angeles, planned it as a wide-ranging survey of Cubists and Cubism, from Picasso, through Russian artists, to figures from the USA (Max Weber) and Great Britain (Wyndham Lewis). She presented Cubism as a trend that eventually influenced all local schools, and emphasised the spread of Cubism into decorative art, architecture (Czech examples were at least shown in photographs and a model of Chochol’s house in Neklanova Street), and into film.

Art Historian Keith Holz in Prague


4 Jun 2013

Keith Holz, Associate Professor of the Western Illinois University in Macomb, examines in his lecture held on 12 June 2013 at 3.30 p.m. in the Institute of Art History, Husova 4, Prague 1, room 117, newly available letters by and about Oskar Kokoschka from Moscow and Zürich archives. This lecture revises extant interpretations of his art and activities in Czechoslovakia (1934–1938). Kokoschka's public role as an outspoken advocate for human rights, his pursuit of democracy through educational reform (the Volkshochschule movement), and his role as a critic of fascist governments are related to his less understood, but elaborate, network of supporters, friends and family within and beyond the borders of the Republic.