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Grant IAA100190610     1.1.2006 - 31.12.2008
Grantor: Grant Agency of Czech Academy of Sciences

Geometry of weakly Lindelöf determined spaces

Renorming theorems in weakly Lindelöf determined Banach spaces for the so called uniformly Kadec-Klee smoothness and its variants. The use of Shlenk and dentability index for these renormings. Study of l_p generated Banach spaces for p>2. For a given Banach space with some geometrical property, finding a space with the same property and moreover having an unconditional basis, which is densely embedded in the original space. Investigation of the geometry of Banach spaces possessing an unconditional basis in the spirit of our recent results. Study of long Schauder bases.

  IM leaders:

Fabian Marián

 Participating institutions:

Institute of Mathematics, AS CR

 IM team members:  
Zizler Václav