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«2014 2015 2016 »
71 captures
1 Feb 14 - 4 Aug 19
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Míkova R., Vrkoslav V., Hanus R., Hákova E., Hábova Z., Doležal A., Plavka R., Coufal P., Cvačka J. :
Newborn Boys and Girls Differ in the Lipid Composition of Vernix Caseosa.
Plos One 9 (6): e99173, 2014.


Babuněk M., Šimůnek O., Hošek J., Rybáčková M., Cvačka J., Březinová A., Kvíčala J.:
Heavy fluorous phosphine-free ruthenium catalysts for alkene metathesis.
Journal of Fluorine Chemistry 161:66-75, 2014.


Krejzova J., Simon, P., Kalachova L., Kulik N., Bojarova P., Marhol P., Pelantova H., Cvacka, J., Ettrich R., Slamova K., Kren V. :
Inhibition of GlcNAc-Processing Glycosidases by C-6-Azido-NAG-Thiazoline and Its Derivatives.
Molecules 19 (3): 3471-3488, 2014.


Kaftan F., Vrkoslav V., Kynast P., Kulkarni P., Bocker S., Cvačka J., Knaden M., Svatoš A.:
Mass spectrometry imaging of surface lipids on intact Drosophila melanogaster flies .
Journal of Mass Spectrometry 49 (3): 223-232, 2014.


Kofronova E., Nekola A., Cvacka J., Kindl J., Valterova I.:
Fatty Acids from Pool Lipids as Possible Precursors of the Male Marking Pheromone in Bumblebees.
Molecules 19 (2): 2330-2343, 2014.


Škerlová J.,Fábry M., Hubálek M., Otwinowski Z., Rezácová P.:
Structure of the effector-binding domain of deoxyribonucleoside regulator DeoR from Bacillus subtilis.
FEBS Journal 281 (18): 4280-4292, 2014.


Horká P., Vrkoslav V., Hanus R., Pecková K., Cvačka J.:
New MALDI matrices based on lithium salts for the analysis of hydrocarbons and wax esters.
Journal of Mass Spectrometry 49 (7): 628–638, 2014.


Jaklová Dytrtová J., Fanfrlík J., Norková R., Jakl M., Hobza P:
Theoretical insight into the stabilization of triazole fungicides via their interactions with dications.
International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 359: 38-43, 2014.


Jakl M., Straka M.,Jaklová Dytrtová J., Roithová J.:
Formation and stability of calcium complexes of dimethyl sulfoxide in water.
International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 360: 8-14, 2014.


Kuneš I., Baláš M., Koňasová T., Špulák O., Balcar V., Millerová K., Kacálek D., Jakl M., Zahradník D., Vítámvás J., Sťastná J., Jaklová Dytrtová J.:
Biomass of speckled alder on an air-polluted mountain site and its response to fertilization.
Environmental Management 54 (6):1421-1433, 2014.


Jakl M., Jaklová Dytrtová J., Kuneš I., Baláš M., Száková J., Balík J.:
The long-term effect of slowly dissolved crushed basic rocks amelioration on metals bioavailability in soil.
Water Air and Soil Pollution 225 (1937): 1-9, 2014.


Jaklová Dytrtová J., Dytrtová R., Jakl M., Navrátil T., Petr M., Šteffl M.:
Výuka chemie pro nechemické obory na vysokých školách (Chemistry education at universities for non-chemical study programmes).
Chemicke Listy 108 (12): 1172-1178, 2014.


Zelová H., Hanáková Z., Čermáková Z., Šmejkal K., Dall'Acqua S., Babula P., Cvačka J., Hošek J.:
Evaluation of Anti-Inflammatory Activity of Prenylated Substances Isolated from Morus alba and Morus nigra.
Journal of Natural Products 77 (6): 1297-1303, 2014.


Acikara Ö.B., Çitoğlu G.S., Dall'Acqua S., Özbek H., Cvačka J., Žemlička M., Šmejkal K.:
Bioassay-guided Isolation of the Antinociceptive Compounds Motiol and β-Sitosterol from Scorzonera latifolia Root Extract.
Pharmazie 69 (9): 711–714, 2014.


Strašák T., Karban J., Červenková Šťastná L., Maixnerová L., Březinová A., Bernard M., Fajgar R.:
Synthesis of Substituted Titanocene Dichloride Derivatives by Hydrosilylation.
Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 768: 115-120, 2014.


Jaklová Dytrtová J., Navrátil T., Jakl M., Nováková K.:
Detection of thiram pesticide using copper affinity electrochemical separation electrospray ionization mass spectrometry.
XXXIII Moderni Eelektrochemicke Metody:76-79, 2014.