Saturday, 12 09 2015

Last update27.08 16:30

Politicians’ popularity

This time the interviewees were expressing their confidence in leaders of the political parties represented in the Chamber of Deputies. At the top of the popularity chart Miroslav Topolánek appeared in between ČSSD representatives Stanislav Gross and Vladimír Špidla. These are followed by the new KDU-ČSL leader Miroslav Kalousek, the Chamber of Deputies chairman Lubomír Zaorálek, KDU-ČSL members Jan Kasal and Foreign Affairs minister Cyril Svoboda. Within the first ten it is also possible to find three representatives of the opposition party ODS Petr Nečas, Jan Zahradil and Vlastimil Tlustý.

If we are to compare the individual politicians within their own parties, we can see that the most popular person in ČSSD is by far Stanislav Gross, the best results in ODS belong to their leader Topolánek, the most trustworthy person in KSČM is currently Miloslav Ransdorf, the most popular face within KDU-ČSL belongs to the new party leader Kalousek and in US-DEU it is Karel Kühnl.


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