Fyzikální ústav Akademie věd ČR

Electronic structure


Pavel Novák

Vladimír Nekvasil


Calculation of electronic structure and physical properties of solids using both the ab-initio approach and effective Hamiltonian methods.

Recently considered problems:

  • Crystal field and magnetism with Wannier functions. The knowledge of the crystal field parameters is necessary for understanding the properties of rare-earth compounds . We developed a new way of calculating the crystal field and applied it to rare-earth containing oxides, fluorides and intermetallic compounds.
  • Systems with competing electron correlation,spin-orbit coupling and crystal field. In several compounds of iridium, paladium and platinum the interplay between the strong spin-orbit coupling, on-site electron repulsion, crystal-field and intersite hopping leeds to a complex phase diagram and unconventional physical properties.
  • Calculation of hyperfine interactions.


  • Experimental groups in the department
  • Department of solid state theory IOP
  • Department of optical materials IOP
  • Numerous international cooperations

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