Completed project

Health & Family - ISSP 2011 and 2012

Project duration: 
2011 - 2014

The association between the family and psychological and physical health has become a major theme in the sociological, demographic, and epidemiological literatures. On the one hand, significant attention has been devoted to the consequences of conjugal status and parenthood forthe health status and behavior of individuals (research axis family → health). On the other hand, an increasing number of studies focus on the question of how families rearrange themselves todeal with health problems among their members (research axis health  family). The importanceof the link between the family and health was established in a number of studies from variouscountries but comparative research is relatively rare. This is true despite the fact that there areempirical as well as theoretical reasons to expect substantial cross-national variation and despitethe fact that comparative research could significantly improve our understanding of the linkbetween the family and health. The goal of this project is to fill this gap and to study the variationin the association between the family and health across countries and social groups. At the sametime, special attention will be paid to the Czech case. This will be done through our participationin the international comparative project International Social Survey Program (ISSP 2011 –Health & ISSP 2012 – Family Modules).

Principal investigator: 
Grant agency: 
Czech Science Foundation (GACR)

Project publications (total 5, displaying 1 - 5)

Hamplová, Dana (a kol.)

The goal of the book is to explore the link between individual’s family situation and health. The book is divided into 8 chapters. They focus on the data description, definition of health, and link between health and healthy life style and partnership status, parenthood, or quality of partnership. The final chapter is devoted to the caring function of the family.


care, family, health
Value Orientations in Society
Type of publication:
Chaloupková, Jana
value orientations, care, parenting, family
Value Orientations in Society
Type of publication:
Chapter in monograph
Hofäcker, Dirk, Jana Chaloupková

Based on data from the ESS, round 3 we investigate 1) to what degree there still exist standardized patterns in the timing and sequencing of family transitions, 2) the relationship between family patterns and socially established norms. Our results confirm that the degree of destandardization varies across Europe. The most obvious tensions between rather traditional family patterns and liberalised norms were identified in Southern Europe.

value orientations, family
Value Orientations in Society
Type of publication:
Working paper
Mitchell, Eva, Dana Hamplová (eds.)

Publikace se zabývá otázkou, jak evropské státy finančně podporují rodiny s dětmi a jak se tato podpora odráží na životní úrovni různých typů rodin a jak souhra sociálního systému a podmínek rodičům pomáhá se o své rodiny postarat. Dále se diskutuje otázka, jaký mají pohled na povinnosti státu samotní rodiče a jak do výpomoci s dětmi vstupují prarodiče. Mapovány jsou tedy jak fungování systému dávek a daní a situace na trhu práce, tak postoje rodičů a mezigenerační výpomoc.

wages and incomes, care, work, parenting, family
Value Orientations in Society
Type of publication:
Chaloupková, Jana

This paper focuses on attitudes towards marriage and unmarried cohabitation and the diffusion of unmarried cohabitations and unmarried cohabitations with child in the Czech Republic. In the second part, based on qualitative study shows the diversity of attitudes of unmarried parental couples and reasons of their potential postponement or considering of entry to marriage.

value orientations, human relations, parenting, family
Value Orientations in Society
Type of publication:
Paper published in conference proceedings