

Responsible Research and Innovation in a Distributed Anticipatory Governance Frame

A Constructive Socio-normative Approach


12-01-2014 08:44:02

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NANOPINION: European project – FP7, May 2012-October 2014
Nanopinion (celým názvem Monitoring public opinion on Nanotechnology in Europe) je evropský projekt realizovaný jako součást 7. Rámcového programu EU, sdružuje 17 partnerů z 11 zemí -
Co-ordinator: Zentrum für Soziale Innovation, Wien

12-01-2014 08:34:39

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PLACES (Cities of Scientific Culture)

Platform of Local Authorities and Communicators Engaged in Science (Cities of Scientific Culture)

2011–2013 (FP 7)

03-02-2014 07:39:55

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MASIS (Monitoring Policy and research Activities on Science in Society in Europe)

The MASIS project ( ) involved 38 countries; 27 EU

member states and 11 countries associated to FP7. In each country, an appointed national

correspondent provided a comprehensive report and subsequent updates based on a common


03-02-2014 07:36:13

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Současné přístupy v historické epistemologii

Současné přístupy v historické epistemologii

Řešitel:Solver:Tomáš Dvořák
Poskytovatel:Grant:Projekty financované Grantovou agenturou České republiky
