Imposing, Maintaining, and Tearing Open the Iron Curtain. The Cold War and East-Central Europe, 1945-1989

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Mark Kramer – Vít Smetana (ed.): Imposing, Maintaining, and Tearing Open the Iron Curtain. The Cold War and East-Central Europe, 1945-1989. Lanham – Boulder – New York – Toronto – Plymouth (UK): Lexington Books 2014. xviii + 564 p. ISBN 978-0-7391-8185-0

This book consists of cutting-edge essays by distinguished experts who discuss the Cold War in Europe from beginning to end, with a particular focus on the countries that were behind the „Iron Curtain“. The authors take account of structural conditions that helped generate the Cold War schism in Europe, but they also ascribe agency to local actors as well as to superpowers. The chapters dealing with the end of the Cold War in Europe explain not only why it ended but also why the events leading to that outcome occurred almost entirely peacefully.

Contributors: Oliver Bange, Csaba Békés, Thomas Blanton, László Borhi, Anne Deighton, Hope M. Harrison, James G. Hershberg, David Holloway, Michael F. Hopkins, Mark Kramer, Richard Ned Lebow, Silvio Pons, Alex Pravda, Peter Ruggenthaler, Svetlana Savranskaya, Bernd Schaefer, Rolf Steininger, Vít Smetana, Georges-Henri Soutou, Soňa Szomolányi, and Oldřich Tůma.


Demokratická revoluce 1989 Československo Československo 38-89 Němečtí odpůrci nacismu v Československu výzkumný projekt KSČ a bolševismus Disappeared Science

Current events in picture

Johanna Bockman: “1989 as a Thwarted Transition to Socialism: Mainstream Neoclassical Economists and their Socialist Programs”
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Konference 1989: Thinking Revolution in East-Central Europe

Oddělení pozdního socialismu a postsocialismu Ústavu pro soudobé dějiny AV ČR a Oddělení pro studium moderní české filozofie Filozofického ústavu AV ČR uspořádaly ve dnech 2. a 3. října 2014 mezinárodní vědeckou konferenci „1989: Thinking Revolution in East Central Europe“ .
