Strategic Studies for Research and Innovations

Strategic studies Department 

Department of Strategic Studies (STRAST) primarily deals with the following activities:

Analytical studies

There are prepared analytical studies in the research, development and innovation in STRAST and on  it´s basis the conceptual material for a qualified decision-making of government, regional authorities and the EU institutions in policy research, development and innovation are then formed .

Evaluation of research, development and innovation support programs

Evaluation of research, development and innovation support programs is an important part of the strategic approach towards the creation and realization of research and innovation policies. The TC cooperates with public administration authorities on the development of methods for evaluating research, development and innovation support programs and uses these methods to evaluate the results and impacts of support measures realized by these authorities. The TC uses the results of programme evaluations while preparing proposals for new research, development and innovation support programmes.

Outlook studies and foresight methodology development

STRAST prepares outlook studies used by the public administration on the national and regional levels for the formulation of research, development and innovation policies. Using the outlook studies, the TC prepares proposals for strategic research directions and research priorities for the public administration and individual research organizations. For these purposes, the TC uses modern foresight methods that it constantly works to improve in cooperation with leading foreign institutions and the UNIDO organization.

Complex audit of national innovation systems

The national innovation system is an organic structure that goes through constant development and development-related changes. For this reason, the TC monitors trends in the development of national innovation systems in developed and developing countries and participates in a complex audit of these systems performed with the goal of attaining a suitable configuration of innovation policies on European, national and regional levels.

A specialized STRASTwebsite is available here.



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