6th FERO meeting

Boční II 1401, 141 00 Praha 4
Czech Republic

30th – 31st of August 2012

Euro in Czech Crowns: 1€ =
Metro-Tram scheme
Map of centre (more detailed)



1st circular   ( 9th February )

Dear colleagues,

let us invite you to the next FERO meeting that will be held at the Astronomical Institute of the Academy of Sciences in Prague. Our 6th two-day randezvous will again be held at the end of Summer or beginning of Autumn. To decide the exact date the organizers would like to know your time constraints in this period of the year. Will you, please, indicate your free days by 18th of March?

With our kind regards, , and Vladimír.

2nd circular   ( 29th March )

Dear colleagues,

thank you for responding to our poll on the best suitable days for our next FERO meeting. Plenty (half) of you (21) responded to our call and most of you (17) are free on the 30th and 31st of August thus these will be the FERO days.

In case of interest for more intensive work with other participants, you are welcome to come earlier and/or stay longer in the period between the 27th of August and 9th of September. In this way also those who are not available in August will still be able to meet at least some of us to discuss or work together.

We would like to ask you to register before the 28th of May by sending us an e-mail with the following information:

Name and Surname:
Preferred contact e-mail:
Probable dates of stay:
I will probably give a talk: yes/no

It would greatly help us if you can really register by the given deadline or at least give us some information on probability of your participation. We have to know the probable number of participants to decide the final FERO meeting place upon which your decision on accommodation might depend.

The accommodation should be booked well in advance due to the high touristic season at the end of August and beginning of September. We recommend to book a hotel close to the centre and not far from the red metro line C.

There is a possibility to accommodate few people either at our or neighbouring institute (altogether 4 single rooms, 2 of them can be used as double room). In case of interest, please contact us as soon as you know the exact dates of your stay.

With our kind regards, , and Vladimír.

3rd circular   ( 13th June )

Dear participants,

thank you for registering to the 6th FERO meeting. It seems there will be around 21 participants giving about 13 talks, see the list of currently registered participants. The FERO meeting will take place at Astronomical Institute in Prague, see our web pages for the location and the way to get there.

We would like to urge you to book the accommodation as soon as possible, we will meet during the touristic season and your favourite hotel might be fully booked later on. You can find some suggestions for accommodation on our web pages. Unfortunately the cheap accommodation at our institute and Institute of Geophysics nearby is already fully booked by our fellow participants.

We would kindly like to ask those participants who volunteered to give a talk to send us the title and a short abstract by the 22nd of July.

If you need any help, please, do not hesitate to contact us.

With our kind wishes, , and Vladimír.

4th circular   ( 26th July )

Dear participants,

thank you very much for your abstracts. The programme of the 6th FERO meeting and abstracts of presentations are now available.

The FERO meeting will take place at Astronomical Institute in Prague, see our web page for the location and the way to get there. You should arrive at the institute on Thursday 30th at 9:30, the programme itself will start at 9:50.

If you come by public transport, you should use the ticket for 24 or 32 Czech crowns. They are valid for 30 and 90 minutes, respectively, and you can change among bus, metro and tram at your convenience without any restriction (except the time limit). The trip from the airport to the institute takes about 1 hour. You can get faster ride by a taxi for about 850 CZK.

We hope you were able to book the accommodation. If you haven't done that yet, please, do not hesitate to try it as soon as possible.

If you need any help, please, do not hesitate to contact us!

Have a nice journey to Prague! We are looking forward to meeting you all,
, and Vladimír.

5th circular   ( 14th September )

Dear participants,

thank you very much for participating in the 6th FERO meeting! It was nice to meet you all in Prague, to listen to your contributions and to discuss various aspects of FERO.

Almost all contributions are now available online at the abstract web page of each presentation where you can get through the programme or participants web pages.

To refresh your FERO memories, please, browse to photos, where you can find pictures from the meeting and social dinner.

We will be looking forward to see you all at the next FERO meeting in 2014 in Poland!

, and Vladimír.