CERGE-EI Foundation

Jemima Montagu

Jemima Montagu

Co-director and founder of Culture+Conflict

Jemima Montagu is co-director, and founder, of Culture+Conflict, an organization promoting the role of arts and culture in areas of international conflict and post-conflict around the world. From 2006-2009, she was Director of Culture and Education at Turquoise Mountain, a cultural heritage NGO based in Kabul, Afghanistan, where she initiated and managed a wide range of arts, heritage and education projects, including setting up partnerships between UK and Afghan education institutes.

Ms Montagu was born in London and educated at Cambridge University and the Courtauld Institute, University of London. She worked as a curator at Tate from 1998-2004, and later worked at the UK Arts Council managing public funding for the arts and museums in London. Ms Montagu continues to work across the arts, education and philanthropy, seeking areas of intersection between culture, education and international development. She has a special interest in South and Central Asia and the Middle East. She is based in Prague.