V4 International Conference Analytical Cytometry VIII

On behalf of the Organizing and Program Committee we invite you to participate at the eighth Conference of the Czech Society for Analytical Cytology (CSAC) 'V4 International Conference Analytical Cytometry VIII ", which this time will be held in Olomouc from 3 to 6 10th 2015.

Molecular and Cytogenetic Characterization of Wild Musa Species

The number of wild Musa species where nuclear genome size and genomic distribution of rDNA loci is known

Chromosomal genomics facilitates fine mapping of a Russian wheat aphid resistance gene.

The proposed strategy can be applied for focused marker development in any region of the wheat genome.

TPX2 Protein of Arabidopsis Activates Aurora Kinase 1, But Not Aurora Kinase 3 In Vitro

The differences in the activation mechanism of AtAurora1 and 3 point to a specific regulation of both kinases. This play an important role in cell cycle regulation and signaling cascade transduction in plants.

Conference - Plant Biotechnology: Green for Good III

The conference will promote collaboration in the frontier areas of plant biotechnology research, development and innovations. The scientific program will cover all aspects of biotechnology including Genome structure: its evolution and function, Cereal biotechnology, Genetic modification and gene editing, Metabolic regulation and methods of analysis, Stress response and cell signaling, and Plant-pathogen interactions.

Variation in genome composition of blue‐aleurone wheat

Different blue-aleurone wheats display major differences in chromosome composition, ranging from disomic chromosome additions, substitutions, single chromosome arm introgressions and chromosome translocation of Thinopyrum ponticum.

Award of the Minister Education, Youth and Sports.

Award of the Minister for outstanding research, experimental development and innovation for the year 2014.

Laboratory Open Days in 2014

Laboratory of Molecular Cytogenetics and Cytometry takes part in the Week of Science and Technology in the Czech Republic and holds already 14st Laboratory Open Days.

Extensive Pericentric Rearrangements in the Bread Wheat

Extensive Pericentric Rearrangements in the Bread Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Genotype “Chinese Spring” Revealed from Chromosome Shotgun Sequence Data

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