Detail akce

European Research Council and the Czech Republic: Horizons for Social Sciences and Humanities

Typ akce: workshop

Datum: 14.11.2014
Kde: Charles University, Faculty of Arts, Hybernská 3, Prague 1, room H303

The Technology Centre ASCR in cooperation with the Faculty of Arts of the Charles University and with the Office of the ERC Vicepresident Pavel Exner would like to invite you to the workshop European Research Council and the Czech Republic: Horizons for Social Sciences and Humanities, which will be held on 14 November 2014 on the premises of the Charles University, Faculty of Arts, Hybernská 3, Prague 1.
The event is intended for young researchers from the field of social sciences and humanities, who have finished their PhD, have now or in the future the potential to pursue ground-breaking, high-gain/ high-risk research and intend to apply for an ERC grant in the fortcoming calls.

We would also like to invite the management of institutions from the social sciences and humanities domain to take active part in the panel discussion focused on striving towards excellence in social sciences and humanities in the Czech Republic. 

The capacity is limited. Registration is required via the link below.    


