The upper Paleolithic on the middle course of the Morava river

The upper Paleolithic on the middle course of the Morava river
Petr Škrdla
The upper Paleolithic on the middle course of the Morava river / Petr Škrdla. Brno : Academy of Science on the Czech Republic, Institute of Archeology at Brno, 2005. 229 s. : il. ISBN 80-86023-70-2
Anotace (CZ):

Cílem této práce je publikace mladopaleolitického materiálu z Uherskohradišťska a diskuse o aurignacké a gravettské sídelní strategii.

Anotace (EN):

The aim of this work is to publish Upper Paleolithic materials from the Uherské Hradiště Area and to discuss Aurignacian and Gravettian settlement strategies.


Cena ČR: 553 CZK
Cena zahraničí: 30 EUR
Stav: objednat
The upper Paleolithic on the middle course of the Morava river The upper Paleolithic on the middle course of the Morava river The upper Paleolithic on the middle course of the Morava river