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Grant IAA100190901     1.1.2009 - 31.12.2011
Grantor: Grant Agency of Czech Academy of Sciences

Topological and geometrical structures in Banach spaces

Stability of weak Asplund spaces and Gateaux differentiability spaces, Banach spaces with projectional skeleton, stability of Valdivia compacta, topological characterizations of some classes of Banach spaces, compact convex sets - duality of compact spaces and Banach spaces and topological classification, weak topology of weakly K-analytic Banach spaces, geometric properties of boundaries of compact convex sets, strongly affine functions and Baire classes of Banach spaces, isomorphic properties of L_1-preduals, descriptive properties of ranges of derivatives on Banach spaces, descriptive properties of norm and weak topologies on Banach spaces, binormality in Banach spaces, spaces of continuous functions, renormings and differentiability, weak-star uniformly Kadec-Klee norms, Lipschitz homeomorphisms, Markushevich bases, extensions of special Lipschitz mappings, retracts, absolutely minimal Lipschitz functions, Gurarij space, compacta with extra structure.

 Participating institutions:

Institute of Mathematics, AS CR,
Mathematical and Physical Faculty of the Charles University, Prague, MFF UK, Prague