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ÚvodPostdoktorandské projekty ÚOCHB

Postdoktorandské projekty ÚOCHB

The Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry (IOCB), Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v.v.i., is opening up to 10 postdoctoral positions in chemistry and biochemistry per year for the duration of one year, with possible extension by one more year, if agreed by both parties. Submission deadlines are twice a year on April 1st and October 1st.

The Institute will provide a competitive gross salary of 40.000 CZK/month and the obligatory employer parts of the health and social insurances. The salary is subject to income tax. Full health insurance coverage is a part of the fellowship. Based on availability, accommodation in Institute or Academy guest houses may be offered at an affordable rent.

Applicants are expected to hold a Ph.D. degree from a reputable foreign university based on competitive research that is documented in several original publications in respected journals of the fields.

Potential applicants must contact a perspective advisor at IOCB and agree with him/her on a potential research project before an application can be submitted. Based on this agreement, the applicant prepares a competitive project and submits the complete application package as a single pdf file to the perspective group leader, except for two letters of recommendation, which must be sent separately and confidentially directly to the address fellowship@uochb.cas.cz by each of the providers of the support letter. The group leader transmits the package to the address fellowship@uochb.cas.cz.

Original applications must include:

  • Contact address
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Copy of Ph.D. diploma
  • List of publications
  • Name of IOCB partner
  • A support letter by the IOCB partner of the applicant
  • A clear and concise project program, which summarizes the state of the art, details the projected investigations and puts the project in a context with the host group research activities (3-4 pages)
  • The envisaged starting date of the fellowship

Extensions of postdoctoral projects must contain:

  • A cover letter
  • A support letter from the advisor
  • A summary of results of the first year not exceeding two to three pages
  • Plans for the extension period not exceeding two to three pages
  • Copies of publications published, submitted, or drafts

Further information may be received from Dr. Iva Pichová at: pichova@uochb.cas.cz.

Downloadable Instructions and Application forms: