Saturday, 17 10 2015

Last update16.10 13:50

Satisfaction with Certain Aspects of Life and Social Conditions in the CR

Discontent with the current situation prevailed in the majority of the investigated areas. The only exceptions with respect to that were represented by the accession of the CR to the EU, the school system and health care system. The highest discontent was expressed in connection with corruption and unemployment where this feeling was declared by more than three quarters of respondents. In comparison to this the evaluation of the current state of social security, efficiency of the state economy, immigration issues, legal environment, involvement of people to have a say in public affairs, efficiency of offices and the standard of living were considerably less unfavourable, despite the fact that this in isolation was also evaluated in a mostly negative way. Compared to February 2004 when respondents were asked the same question, improvement can be seen in the evaluation of the school and healthcare systems, efficiency of the state economy, social security and the accession to the EU. As far as the social conditions, which were also evaluated, were concerned, people express mostly favourable evaluation towards current access to education and health care. A relatively worst evaluation was given to the options to get a flat and to financial conditions to start a family but a critical view prevails unanimously also in all other investigated conditions, i.e. possibility of employment, social security for the elderly and social conditions for the physically handicapped.


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