Fyzikální ústav Akademie věd ČR


Úterý, 20.10.2015 10:00 - 11:00

Dr. P. Bednyakov (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland)

Recently observed properties of charged ferroelectric domain walls (CDWs) make these structures promising for application in future electronics. It was demonstrated experimentally that the quasi two-dimensional electron gas is present at head-to-head CDWs [1]. The CDWs are therefore good conductors that can be moved by an external electric field. As suggested by theory [2] and experiment [3] CDWs with very low spacing may cause the enhancement of piezoelectric and dielectric properties. However, the problem of controlled regular growth and formation of CDWs is not well understood.

Čtvrtek, 22.10.2015 15:00 - 16:00

Mads Brandbyge (Department of micro and nanotechnology & Center for Nanostructured Graphene (CNG), Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Denmark)

In the Landauer approach to nanoscale transport the electrons are assumed to bypass a conducting junction ballistically and equilibrate through energy exchange in the electrodes.

Pátek, 23.10.2015 10:00 - 11:00

Can Onur Avci (ETH Zurich)

Recent demonstrations of magnetization switching driven by current-induced spin-orbit torques (SOTs) have drawn considerable attention in the field of spintronics. The SOTs are associated with the spin Hall and interfacial effects, and have been found to occur in a variety of normal-metal/ferromagnet systems. In this talk I will present harmonic transverse (Hall) and longitudinal (magnetoresistance) measurements on a variety of normal-metal/ferromagnet systems with a special focus on Pt/Co, Ta/Co layers with in-plane magnetization. I will discuss a new magnetoresistance effect (unidirectional spin Hall magnetoresistance) that we have recently discovered.

Pátek, 23.10.2015 14:00 - 15:00

Kevin Garello (ETH Zurich)

Recent demonstrations of perpendicular magnetization switching induced by in-plane current injection in ferromagnetic heterostructures have drawn attention to a class of spin torques based on orbital-to-spin momentum transfer (SOTs).
After describing the main spin-orbit interactions observed in ferromagnetic heterostructures and some of our latest measurements, I will present their straightforward impact on magnetic memory technologies.

Minulé semináře

Karel Rohlena Exotické technologie na ELI beamlines 25.04.2012 14:00
Jiří J. Mareš Využití Thompsonova-Lampardova teorému při měření specifických odporů 25.04.2012 10:00
Vladislav Pokorný Vertex corrections to the electrical conductivity of the disordered Falicov-Kimball model 24.04.2012 15:00
Amadeo L. Vázquez de Parga Graphene on Ru(0001): A nanostructured surface 24.04.2012 10:00
Prof. Dr. Beata Ziaja-Motyka Computer simulations of FEL-excited matter 23.04.2012 13:00
Pavel Středa Spin polarization of Bloch states and Hall currents in zinc-blend semiconductors 18.04.2012 10:00
Serge Nakhmanson Ab initio design of multifunctional materials with advanced properties: Goldstone-like states in a layered perovskite with constrained polarization 17.04.2012 10:00
Seminář o Scanning Microwave Microscopy 17.04.2012 10:00
Roland Winkler Emergent Electromagnetism in Bilayer Graphene 16.04.2012 11:00
Jakub Cúth Metoda unfoldingu v analýze nábojové asymetrie páru top kvarků 13.04.2012 14:10
Roman Lysák Nábojová asymetria v produkcii páru top kvarkov v experimente ATLAS 13.04.2012 13:30
Prof. A.P. Levanyuk Ferroelectric phase transitions in thin films, ferroelectric-paraelectric superstructures and small particles: effects of the depolarizing field 11.04.2012 15:00
Dr. Jérôme Gaudin The European XFEL in Hamburg: current status 11.04.2012 13:30
Y.O. Kvashnin Ab initio study of 3d systems under high pressure 10.04.2012 15:00
Dr. Danijela Rostohar Development and applications of lasers: how to make a laser suitable for industrial application 10.04.2012 10:30
Prof. Andrzej Maziewski Spin Ordering and Magnetization Processes in Nanostructures: from Ultrathin Films to Multilayers 30.03.2012 10:00
B. Reischl Simulating atomic force microscopy of calcite in water 29.03.2012 16:00
Jakub Novák Nebojte se vědy: Tajemství ELI 28.03.2012 14:00
Dr. Konstantin Zhuravlev Vznik excitonu, jeho transfer a rekombinace v polovodičových vrstvách a kvantových tečkách 28.03.2012 13:00
Martin Fibrich Seminář o laserových a optických technologiích na VŠCHT v Praze 27.03.2012 15:00
Jaroslav Bielčík Produkce těžkých kvarků v jaderných srážkách 23.03.2012 13:30
Caroline Curfs In-situ studies in Materials Science using high energy X-rays at the ESRF 22.03.2012 14:00
Martin Fibrich Seminář o laserových a optických technologiích na Technické univerzitě v Liberci 20.03.2012 12:30
Martin Fibrich Seminář o laserových a optických technologiích na Technické univerzitě v Liberci 20.03.2012 12:30
Ing. V. Petráková, Mgr. A. Kovalenko, prof. M. Nesládek Kvantové efekty v nanodiamantech a jejich uplatnění v nano/bio fotonice a detekci organických molekul 20.03.2012 10:00
Jörg Körner The way to next generation High Energy Class Diode Pumped Solid State Lasers 20.03.2012 10:00
Aude Sagnier Recent advances in laser diode pump engines for high power amplifiers 20.03.2012 10:00
Joachim Hein Status of the POLARIS Laser Project 20.03.2012 09:30
Vladimir I. Anisimov DFT+DMFT method and its applications to correlation effects in electronic structure of real materials 16.03.2012 14:00
Ing. Pavel Jelínek, Ph.D. Pokročilá charakterizace povrchů a nanostruktur s atomárním rozlišením pomocí rastrovacích mikroskopů 07.03.2012 15:00

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