Fyzikální ústav Akademie věd ČR

Seminars and workshops of department 15

Seminar / Friday, 23.10.2015 10:00 - 11:00

Recent demonstrations of magnetization switching driven by current-induced spin-orbit torques (SOTs) have drawn considerable attention in the field of spintronics. The SOTs are associated with the spin Hall and interfacial effects, and have been found to occur in a variety of normal-metal/ferromagnet systems. In this talk I will present harmonic transverse (Hall) and longitudinal (magnetoresistance) measurements on a variety of normal-metal/ferromagnet systems with a special focus on Pt/Co, Ta/Co layers with in-plane magnetization. I will discuss a new magnetoresistance effect (unidirectional spin Hall magnetoresistance) that we have recently discovered.  

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Seminar / Friday, 23.10.2015 14:00 - 15:00

Recent demonstrations of perpendicular magnetization switching induced by in-plane current injection in ferromagnetic heterostructures have drawn attention to a class of spin torques based on orbital-to-spin momentum transfer.
After describing the main spin-orbit interactions observed in ferromagnetic heterostructures and some of our latest measurements, I will present their straightforward impact on magnetic memory technologies.


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Past seminars and workshops

Karel Výborný Terahertz Spectroscopy of Artificial Graphene 22.01.2015 14:00
Jan Zemen Ab initio study of piezomagnetic effect in Mn-antiperovskites 01.12.2014 10:00
Martin Veis Magneto-optical spectroscopy and ellipsometry of nanostructures 28.07.2014 10:00
Aurélien Manchon / Dominique Givord Spin-Orbit Caloritronics / Electric Field Effects on Magnetism in Metals 14.03.2014 10:00
Jan Mašek and Jakub Železný Electronic Structure of MnTe: Restrospective and News 04.02.2014 15:00
Jeongsu Lee Nodal “ground states” and orbital textures in semiconductor quantum dots 26.11.2013 13:00
Alex Matos–Abiague Spin-orbit coupling fields in hybrid ferromagnet/semiconductor heterostructures 17.05.2013 10:00
Rouin Farshchi Spin injection in ferromagnet/semiconductor hybrid structures: building blocks to spintronic circuits 16.05.2013 14:00
Sergej Moroz Super Efimov effect 04.04.2013 11:00
Roland Winkler Emergent Electromagnetism in Bilayer Graphene 16.04.2012 11:00
O. Mryasov Fundamentals of MR-RA scaling: TMR and GMR 16.08.2011 10:00
Jan Jacob InAs Spinfilter Cascades 10.08.2011 10:00
Joe Trodahl Rare-Earth Nitrides: Intrinsic Ferromagnetic Semiconductors 15.07.2011 10:00
Karel Výborný, Sigurdur I. Erlingsson Non-local signal on Ag/Py spin-valve devices: beyond Hanle effect 07.01.2011 11:00
Tomáš Ostatnický Spontaneous coherence in systems of cavity polaritons 07.09.2010 10:00
Pavel Středa Anomalous Hall conductivity: local orbitals approach 24.05.2010 16:00
Liviu P. Zarbo, FZÚ AV CR, v.v.i. and Texas A&M University Semiclassical Monte Carlo Simulation of Transport in Spintronic Devices 03.03.2010 09:00
Branislav K. Nikolić, Dept. of Physics and Astronomy & Center for Spintronics and Biodetection, University of Delaware Spin pumping in magnetic tunnel junctions and topological insulators: Theory and experiments 25.02.2010 10:00

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