Mission: To study and reveal the interconnection between microscopic mechanism of magnetism and other physical properties (such as electric and thermal transport, crystal structure, charge and orbital order elastic properties, ...) in solids with different characteristic length-scales.
Approach: We rely on outstanding historical experience in a research of magnetism, magnetic structures and investigation of materials response to extreme stimuli which is performed in the Institute of Physics since more than 60 years. Exploring novel fields and directions, we build our new scientific achievements both on theoretical and experimental investigation of novel materials with unique properties. Our current research is oriented to magnetic, magnetocaloric, thermal, electric and superconducting properties of novel intermetallic and oxide materials prepared in a form of various morphologies. As nowadays the standard, our research is notably framed by awarded grants and collaborations. These cover both the basic research of experimental and theoretical character, both the research aiming to applications.
Despite that magnetism or its microscopic origin represents a common, but sometimes hidden meaning of our research, we structure the team-research into several sub-domains where scientific topics can be grasped:
Examples of magnetic arrangements of Mn cations in perovskites. CE type (left) and Pseudo-CE type (right).
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