The main aim of the ESS – survey project is creation of the national node of the ESS ERIC ( in the Czech Republic and the realization of the fifth, sixth and seventh round of ESS survey. The European Social Survey is an academically driven cross-national survey founded in 2001 that has been conducted every two years across Europe. The ESS survey data are archived in the Norwegian Social Sciences Data Service archive. The data might be downloaded from the ESS web pages after registration. ESS also publishes key findings (Key Findings), enables eLearning via ESS EduNet, and maintains bibliographic database of publications resulting from research on ESS data (ESS Bibliography).
- Citizenship, Involvement and Democracy; Immigration
- Family, Work & Well-Being;
- Opinions on Health & Care Seeking;
- Economic Morality in Europe: Market Society & Citizenship
- Personal & Social Well-being: Creating indicators for a flourishing Europe;
- The Timing of Life: The organisation of the life course in Europe
- Experiences and Expressions of Ageism;
- Welfare attitudes in a changing Europe
- Work, Family and Well-being: The Implications of Economic Recession;
- Trust in Criminal Justice: A Comparative European Analysis
- Personal and Social Well-being;
- Europeans' understandings and evaluations of democracy
- Attitudes towards immigrants and their antecedents;
- Social inequalities in health and their determinants
Project publications (total 9, displaying 1 - 9)
Social order and security depend on mutual cooperation between the police and the public. Since the majority of crime is not detected by the police itself, informal control is needed to ensure order in society. This article aims to describe the circumstances under which people´s willingness to cooperate with the police is enhanced.
The article examines age as a possible group identity. It sets out to determine which age groups in society today have a stronger sense of identity and the source of that identity, while drawing on the tenets of social psychology and the theories of social identity and optimal distinctiveness. The analysis is based on representative data for the Czech population over the age of 20 drawn from the European Social Survey Round 4 and the International Social Survey Programme 2003.
The trend towards harsher punishment of offenders, usually termed the ‘new punitiveness’, is often explained as a response to deepening social and economic uncertainty. One important area that criminal policy research has long dealt with is public attitudes to punishment. Statements that the public want more severe punishments for those who break the law are often used to justify introducing measures to make the criminal justice system harsher.
Většina spáchaných trestných činů není odhalena policií samotnou. Její práce, pokud má být efektivní, výrazně závisí na ochotě občanů s touto institucí spolupracovat. Příspěvek porovnává míru této spolupráce v České republice a v ostatních evropských zemích, které se zúčastnily výzkumu ESS R 5, a zaměřuje se na faktory, které ji ovlivňují.
While fear of crime is frequently discussed internationally, it is currently addressed by only a limited number of Czech studies. The aim of the paper is to present the main methodological concepts that have influenced the research on fear of crime and the design of indicators by which this phenomenon is measured.
Fungování každého společenského systému je podmíněno interpersonální a institucionální důvěrou, která upravuje vztahy mezi lidmi a přispívá k demokratickému uspořádání v zemi. Důvěra v orgány činné v trestním řízení, tedy konkrétně v policii a soudy, představuje v současnosti jedno z hlavních výzkumných témat. Článek si klade za cíl zhodnotit vývoj důvěry v tyto instituce v mezinárodní perspektivě, a představit důvěru jako vícedimenzionální koncept.
In the years 2002 to 2012, Czech society experienced a series of events and changes. Similar events and changes, however, also took place in other European countries. State and development of attitudes, values and behaviour of populations of European countries in connection with these events and changes is explored by the European Social Survey research project. This book is devoted to the attitudes, values and behaviour and their changes in Czech society in the last decade.
The article deals with three basic questions: what is and what is not the ageism, how serious is ageism in Czech Republic based on the research European Social Survey Round 4 and what are the ways of reducing ageism.