Completed project

Legitimacy of the Political System and Inequalities: The Development in the Czech Republic in Comparative Perspective

Project duration: 
2005 - 2007

The project aims to increase the knowledge about the perceptions of the relation between the political and distributive systems legitimacy. It also focuses on problems of social inequalities and social capital. The instruments used and the inclusion into an international network enable these issues to be approached from a temporal comparative perspective: the changes in the perceptions in the Czech society, several post-communist and West European societies since the beginning of the 1990´s are compared.

Principal investigator: 
Grant agency: 
Czech Science Foundation (GACR)

Project publications (total 25, displaying 1 - 10)

Linek, Lukáš

The book analyses four main dimensions of attitudes towards political regime and its institutions and describes changes in the attitudes within the Czech society between 1996 and 2006. These attitudinal dimensions are regime legitimacy, institutional disaffection, individual disaffection and political dissatisfaction.

legitimacy, politics (and political attitudes), elections (and polls)
Political Sociology
Type of publication:
Linek, Lukáš, Pat Lyons

Text analyses reasons of abstaintion in 2006 election to the Chamber of Deputies. The main source of abstaintion lies in the feeling that people have no say in the political process. The abstaintion is mainly voluntary and is of long-term nature. Electoral participation is connected also with disposition of sources like time, knowledge, education or finance.

politics (and political attitudes), elections (and polls)
Political Sociology
Type of publication:
Chapter in monograph
Lebeda, Tomáš, Lukáš Linek, Pat Lyons, Klára Vlachová

The text summarizes the reasons behind voter turnout and vote choice in 2006 Chamber of Deputies election. It illustrates similarity of abstainers and undecided voters whose role in elections increases. It also compares different models of vote choice and shows that the strongest explanation is provided by party identification, issue voting and leadership effects. The effect of class on voting is negligible.

politics (and political attitudes), elections (and polls)
Political Sociology
Type of publication:
Chapter in monograph
Linek, Lukáš, Pat Lyons

The Second-Order Election Thesis (SOET) is one of a family of multi-level electoral behaviour theories that was specifically developed to explain changes in voting behaviour in general and European elections. Our analyses indicate that the patterns of voting behaviour predicted by the SOET are mediated by a number of national and regional factors.

EU, politics (and political attitudes), elections (and polls)
Political Sociology
Type of publication:
Chapter in monograph
Smith, Michael L.
Economic Sociology
Type of publication:
Linek, Lukáš

Text analyses the effect of turnout on the party support of different parties in the Czech Republic. After introduction of the main theories and research strategies of partisan effects of turnout hypotheses concerning this issue are tested. The results show that higher turnout is advantageous for the parties whose voters lack strong party identification (ČSSD and the Green Party).

politics (and political attitudes), elections (and polls)
Political Sociology
Type of publication:
Chapter in monograph
Linek, Lukáš

Text analyses the effect of turnout on the party support of different parties in the Czech Republic. After introduction of the main theories and research strategies of partisan effects of turnout hypotheses concerning this issue are tested. The results show that higher turnout is advantageous for the parties whose voters lack strong party identification (ČSSD and the Green Party).

politics (and political attitudes), elections (and polls)
Political Sociology
Type of publication:
Peer-reviewed journal article
Linek, Lukáš, Pat Lyons

Text investigates into the sources of differences in estimates of party identification in two european surveys conducted in the same time. This research helps answer question about the nature of relationship between voters and parties. Volatility in the answers about the party closeness is influenced by the short-term (election caimpaign) and long-term factors (electoral systém, role of president in the system, support for democracy).

EU, politics (and political attitudes), elections (and polls)
Political Sociology
Type of publication:
Chapter in monograph
Linek, Lukáš

This study explores political awareness of Czech citizens from the point of view of both its distribution within the society, its dimensionality and sources, and its effect on political attitudes and their constraints. The study shows that Czech citizens know most about local and national politics and political players, and are least informed about international affairs.

value orientations, politics (and political attitudes)
Political Sociology
Type of publication:
Chapter in monograph
Linek, Lukáš, Pat Lyons

Text analyses low turnout in the European Parliament elections in 2004 in the Czech Republic and analyses the differences from turnout in 2002 national election. Main impact on turnout had sources in terms of political experience (age, social integration as measured by urbanization). Lower turnout was measured among those who go to the church.

EU, politics (and political attitudes), elections (and polls)
Political Sociology
Type of publication:
Chapter in monograph
