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Project: Wave activity in the troposphere and ionosphere in the infrasonic range
The project deals with analysis of ground microbarograph measurements and ionospheric Doppler type measurements. Both techniques serve to observations of wave activity in the atmosphere, particularly in the infrasound frequency range. The aim is to improve knowledge on infrasound in the troposphere over the Czech Republic and to broaden understanding of ionospheric infrasound in global context. Following tasks will be solved: estimation of background noise levels at the microbarograph sites and the analysis of their variability; analysis of wave activity in the microbarom frequency range; analysis of infrasound events observed in microbarograph and Doppler type measurements; a comparison of frequency of infrasound occurrence above different regions of the world exploiting measurements of unique network of four Doppler sounders distributed on different continents; computer programs will be developed that can facilitate the data processing.
Šindelářová Tereza
Funded by: GA ČR. GAP 13-09778P
Duration: 2013–2015
Investigator: Šindelářová, T.
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