V Sadech 1, Praha 6
- Program
Philosophy and Social Sciences 2010
středa 12. května
13:00 - 13:30 Introduction
(Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic)13:30 - 14:45 Plenary
William Scheuerman: "What Cosmopolitans Can Learn from Classical Realists"Coffee Break
15:00 – 17:00
Room A: Workshop on Truth & Politics
Gordon Finlayson: "Truth and Politics: Habermas's Criticism of Rawls Revisited"
Federica Gregoratto: "Discursive Claim of Truth and a Double-Track Concept of Discourse"
Marie-Christine Kajewski: "There is no Post-Truth-Democracy"Room B: Workshop on Law & Politics
Martin Nonhoff: "Democratic and Tyrannical Politicization"
Jeffrey Flynn: "Toward a Critical Theory of Human Rights"
Hristo Gyoshev: "Moral and Political Arguments for Human Rights"Room C: Workshop on Reconfiguring Subjectivity
Massimo Rosati: "The Post-Secular Self and the Axial Vision"
Kristina Stöckl: "'Who Comes After the Subject?' Eastern and Western Responses"
Andrea Baumeister: "The Use of 'Public Reason' by Religious and Secular Citizens: Limitations of Habermas's Conception of the Role of Religion in the Public Realm"Coffee Break
17:15 - 19:15
Room A: Workshop on Truth & Politics
Chiara Bottici: "Imaginal Politics"
Linda Alcoff & Alireza Shomali: "Adorno's Dialectical Realism"
Stefan Rummens: "Staging deliberation: The constitutive role of representative institutions in the deliberative democratic process"Room B: Workshop on Law & Politics
Giovanna Borradori: "Ungrievable Lives. Terror and the Global Media"
Sandra Seubert: "Where Does Democracy Find its Citizens?"
Eva Erman: "Problems of Democratic Agency in the Civil Society Approach to Global Democracy"Room C: Workshop on (Post)-Crisis Scenarios
Juraj Lassuth: "Regulation via Politisation. Political Regulation of Financial Markets"
Bernat Riutort Serra: "On the Crisis and the Possible Scenarios"
Joaquìn M. Valdivielso Navarro: "Climate Regulation under Economic Crisis"čtvrtek 13. května
10:00 - 11:15 Plenary
Nancy Fraser: "Marketization, Social Protection, Emancipation: Toward a Neo-Polanyian Conception of Capitalist Crisis"Coffee Break
11:30 - 12:45 Plenary
Ken Baynes: "Does Communicative Freedom Entail Libertarianism?"Lunch Break
15:00 - 17:00
Room A: Workshop on Reconfiguring Subjetivity
Steven Winter: "Freedom's Social Aspect"
Alessandro Pinzani: "May I be your advocate? Or: Should we give voice to the voiceless or let them speak directly?"
Dana Villa: "Hegel, Tocqueville and Individualism"Room B: Workshop on Truth & Politics
Joshua Kleinfeld: "Redressive Justice and the Structure of the Concept of Justice"
Claudio Corradetti: "Transitional Societies: the Role of Public Truth within Justice"
Jörg Schaub: "Addressing Injustices: Why this is not Merely a Matter of Non-Ideal Theory".Room C: Workshop on Law & Politics
Wei Xiaoping: "The Different Principles of Justice Between Distribution and Recognition"
Christian F. Rostbøll: "Non-Domination, New Beginnings and Immigration"
Kevin W. Gray: "The Reconfiguration of Habermas's Critical Theory in Between Facts and Norms"Coffee Break
17:15 - 19.15
Room A: Workshop on (Post)-Crisis Scenarios
Marek Hrubec: "International Recognition: A Critical Reading of Honneth and Rawls"
Jacob Dahl Rendtorff: "Emergence of a New Paradigm: Some Paradoxes of the International Community in the Post-crisis situation"
Martin Brabec: "Brenner on Global Turbulence and Its Critics"Room B: Workshop on Truth & Politics
Maria Pia Lara: "The Disclosure of Politics"
Marianne LeNabat: "The Truth of the Political: Beyond Adversarial Relations"
Tilman Reitz: "How to Avoid the Pretension of Normative Knowledge in Politics?"Room C : Workshop on Reconfiguring Subjectivity
Sylwia D. Chrostowska: "Adorno's Revolutionary Utopianism"
Øjvind Larsen: "The Right to Dissent. The Critical Principle in Discourse Ethics and Deliberative Democracy"
Wai Kit Choi: "Žižek, Actually Existing Socialism and Immanent Critique"pátek 14. května
10:00 - 11:15 Plenary
Maeve Cooke: "Truth and Politics. Exploring the Connection between Democratic Legitimacy and Truth"Coffee Break
11:30 - 12:45 Plenary
Alessandro Ferrara: "Bringing Truth (or a "Political Conception" thereof) back into Democratic Politics"Lunch Break
15:00 - 17:00
Room A: Roundtable on "Assessing the Liberal Project: Critical Perspectives on American Neoconservatism and Revolutionary Liberalism"
Jean-Francois Drolet, David Williams, George LawsonRoom B: Workshop on Law & Politics
Robert Fine: "Dehumanising the Dehumanisers: the Problem of Reversal in Human Rights Discourse"
David Rasmussen: "Human Rights: Elements for a Global Ethic"
Eduardo Mendieta: "Human Rights vs. Animal Rights: Interspecies Cosmopolitanism"Room C: Workshop on Truth & Politics
Krassimir Stojanov: "The Concept of Ideology: An Analytical Re-Actualization Attempt"
Alfred Moore: "Political Realism and the Politics of Science"
Chris O'Kane: "Commodity Fetishism Revisited"Coffee Break
17:15 - 19:15
Room A: Workshop on Reconfiguring Subjectivity
Karen Ng: "Human Dignity, Human Rights and Recognition"
Asger Sørensen: "On a Universal Scale. Economy in Bataille's General Economy"
Radu Neculau: "Identity Recognition and the Normative Challenge of Crowd Psychology"Room B: Workshop on Truth & Politics
Boyan Znepolski: "From Critical Sociology to Pragmatic Sociology and Back: A Question of Legitimacy or of Efficiency"
Gallina Tasheva: "Critical Method Reconsidered. The Social Logic of Undecidability"
John Holmwood: "The Politics of Audit and the Truth(s) of Sociology"Room C: Workshop on Law & Politics
Kong Minan: "Critique of Essentialism and a New Reflection on Historical Materialism"
Teresa Santiago: "Humanitarian Intervention and Just Cause: a Grotian Argument"
Gurminder Bhambra: "Identity Politics and the Need for a Tomorrow"sobota 15. května
10:00 - 11:15 Plenary
Frank Michelman: "Dworkin and Rawls on Political and Constitutional Justification"Coffee Break
11:30 - 12:45 Plenary: Subjectivity, Everyday Action and Normativity in the Lifeworld: Does the Phenomenology of Everyday Skill present a Challenge to Critical Theory?
Lenny Moss: "Science, Normativity and Skill: Reviewing and Renewing the Anthropological Basis of Critical Theory"
Brian O'Connor: "Phronesis, Reason and the Phenomenology of Everyday Expertise"Lunch Break
14:00 - 15:30 Plenary Room A: Ed Baker Memorial
Steven Shiffrin, Frank Michelman, Gary Minda, Steven Winter, Monroe Price, Margaret Jane Radin, Nancy Baker15:30 - 17:30
Room A: Workshop on Reconfiguring Subjectivity
Amy Allen: "Are We Driven? The Fate of Drive Theory in Psychoanalysis and Critical Theory"
Susanne Draheim: "The Open Sources of the Self? Contradictions of Subjectivity in Social Media Environments"
Samuel R. Lucas: "21st Century Scholarship on Race in the US as a Mystification Project"Room B: Workshop on Law & Politics
Johan Van der Walt: "States of Exception in Schmitt, Kelsen and Agamben"
Benno Teschke: "Fatal Attraction. Rereading the International Thought of Carl Schmitt"
Sofia Näsström: "From Law-making to People-making: A New Constitutional Shift?"Room C: Workshop on Truth & Politics
Jason D. Hill: "When we Should not Get Along: Navigating Moral and Cultural Differences"
Bernard Cosgrave: "Reconsidering Context-Transcendence"
David Peritz: "Doctrinal Diversity, Cultural Modernity and Deliberative Democracy"Coffee Break
17:45 - 19:30
Room A: Roundtable on "Deconstructing the European Social Model Through Law?"
Christian Joerges, Michelle Everson, Florian RödlRoom B: Workshop on Truth & Politics
Maike Weiβpflug: "Is Truth Always Anti-Political? Reflections on Arendt's Distinction Between Factual and Rational Truth"
Alexander Weiβ: "The Right to Contingency: A Language Game Perspective on Human Rights for International Political Theory
Dimitar Vatsov: "The Power of Performative: Truth and Violence in Communication"Room C: Workshop on Reconfiguring Subjectivity
Timo Jütten. "Recognition and Commodification"
Titus Stahl: "Reification as a Second-order Disorder of Social Practices"
Michael Youlton. "Social Europe: Vision and Reality"neděle 16. května
10:00 - 11:15 Plenary
Furio Cerutti: "Humankind's First Fundamental Right: Survival"Coffee Break
11:30 - 12:45 Plenary
Ladislav Hohoš: "The Crisis of Supracivilization and the Contemporary Crisis: An Attempt at Diagnosis and Prognosis"Zakončení konference.