Materials IAP employees are supposed to send to IAP Library 

The most needed source is a full text of your publication or link to it.  Please deliver it to the library as soon as your publication is released. This source is sufficient in most cases.

There are some other sources demanded by the library in some special cases (see bellow).

Needed sources:

  1. Electronic or printed copy of your publication (full text) or a link to it (basic resource)
  2. Abstract in English (up to 2000 characters) in case the full text itself (1) doesn"t contain it
  3. Key words in English in case the full text itself (1) doesn"t contain it
  4. In case your publication is published in conference proceeding, IAP Library needs also a copy of a title list of the proceeding to retype its title and other information correctly
  5. In case your publication is connected to your previous conference speech, the IAP Library needs information whether form of your conference participation can be considered as a lecture, invited lecture or you just have presented a poster
  6. You can specify the code of project connected to your publication, in case the full text itself (1) doesn"t contain it (projects are mostly mentioned in acknowledgement)


Thank you for your co-operation.