The Academy of Sciences of the Czech rebublic - ASCR

Multilateral agreements

Association EURATOM IPP.CR
In the field of thermonuclear fusion and hot plasma physics, our Institute is fully integrated in the European program EURATOM through the Agreement of Association as EURATOM IPP.CR, and coordinates the whole Czech participation. The following agreements were signed:
  • Contract of Association FU07-CT-2007-00060
  • European Fusion development Agreement (EFDA) FU37-CT-2007-00044
  • Agreement on Promotion of Staff Mobility in the field of Controlled Thermonuclear Fusion FU 05-2002-00010
  • The JET Implementing Agreement.

The flagship of the national fusion research program is the COMPASS tokamak which is now being brought to full operation in collaboration with a number of European fusion associations (CCFE, HAS, IST, ...); a still stronger collaboration is foreseen in the scientific exploitation where the flexibility of the facility will be a strong advantage. On the other hand, our researchers also participate in experiments on European tokamaks, including the largest ones - JET and Tore Supra, and are involved in the international ITER project.
More details are available on EURATOM IPP.CR pages.
The PALS laboratory took part in the 5th Frame EU Program in the laser plasma research, “Transnational Access to Major Research Infrastructure, Improving Human Potential”. From the year 2004, it will continue in the frame of LASERLAB-EUROPE. On our part, this activity will consists both in the European users projects on the terawatt iodine laser PALS and in the development of new experimental devices.
LASERLAB-EUROPE is a Consortium of 17 laser infrastructures from 10 European countries which proposed to form an Integrated Infrastructure Initiative in the 6th Framework Programme of the European Union. After a highly competitive selection process the LASERLAB EUROPE proposal was selected for funding at a level of 14 M€ for four years. The main objectives are:
  • To combine most of the largest European national laboratories in laser-based inter-disciplinary research, complemented by laboratories with special expertise and equipment;
  • To facilitate integration through a novel web-based "virtual infrastructure" approach, with the expert support from a research laboratory specialised in internet services and communications;
  • To strengthen the European leading role in laser research and to improve the quality of the participating Infrastructures through Joint Research Activities (JRA) aiming at the ultimate control of intense, short-pulse laser light and overcoming technological barriers towards high power and high intensity.
  • To engage in the Transnational Access Programme in a co-ordinated fashion, providing nearly 4000 days of access.

LASERLAB-EUROPE held an Inauguration Ceremony in Prague on November 10, 2003.
For further details, visit .
The research of high-current impulse discharges is integrated in the “International Center for Dense Magnetized Plasma”. This Center was established in 1999 under the auspices of UNESCO. It is located in Warsaw (Poland) on the territory of the Institute of Plasma Physics and Laser Microfusion. The Centre is supported by the ICDMP Foundation, which is directed by the Foundation Board and supervised by the Foundation Council. Both the Centre and the Foundation are supervised by the International Scientific Committee of the Dense Magnetised Plasma, in which practically all participating countries has its representative.
The aims of ICDMP are:
  • to carry out the advanced fundamental investigations in the domain of a dense magnetized plasma,
  • to realize research programs aimed at application of plasma technologies and utilization of emitted by a plasma soft- and hard X - rays, ions and neutrons in industry, medicine, biology etc.,
  • to teach and train young scientific workers in performing experimental investigations with the use of modern and complex apparatus under the supervision of experienced scientists from various countries.

Visit the ICDMP web site.