Institute of Psychology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Veveří 97, 602 00 Brno
E-mail: katarina (at)
Tel. +420 5322920 283
- life-span development psychology
- coping
- successful development
- developmental science
2013 |
Masaryk University, Faculty of Arts |
2006-2012 |
Masaryk University, Faculty of Arts |
2001 – 2006 |
Masaryk University, Faculty of Arts |
since 2013 | Institute of Psychology, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University, teaching Developmental Psychology and Personality Psychology (in Czech) |
since 2012 | Institute of Psychology, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University, teaching Practice Empirical Research (in Czech) |
since 2008 | Institute of Psychology, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University, teaching Gender Aspects in Psychology (in English) |
since 2007 | Department of Educational Sciences, Faculty of Arts, Masaryk University, teaching Social Psychology (in Czech) |
Millová, K., Blatný, M., & Jelínek, M. (2012). Career orientation and its early antecedents in the context of longitudinal research. ISSBD 2012 Abstract Book (on CD; p. 552). Edmonton : University of Alberta, 2012.
Millová, K. (2012). Life-span development psychology: introduction to modern theories. Brno: Host. (in Czech)
Millová, K., & Blatný, M. (2012). Human development in the context of society passing through the significant change (transition). In P. Halama, R. Hanák & R. Masaryk (Eds.), Social processes and personality (collection of conference presentations on CD; pp. 96-101). Bratislava: Institute of Experimental Psychology SAS. (in Czech)
Millová, K., Blatný, M., & Jelínek, M. (2011). Predictors of career orientation: 50-year longitudinal study. The 12th European Congress of Psychology: Final program (Abstract book on CD; p. 953). 04. - 08. 07. 2011, Istanbul, Turkey. Istanbul: Turkish Psychological Association.
Blatný, M., Millová, K., Slezáčková, A., Jelínek, M., & Šolcová, I. (2011). Antecedents and correlates of Sense of Coherence: A longitudinal perspective. In Second World Congress on Positive Psychology: Poster Abstracts (p. 236). 23. - 26. 07. 2011, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Philadelphia: International Positive Psychology Association.
Blatný, M., Sobotková, V., Millová, K., Jelínek, M., & Šolcová, I. (2011). Personality predictors and correlates of Sense of coherence: A longitudinal perspective. The 12th European Congress of Psychology: Final program (Abstract book on CD; p. 1133). 04. - 08. 07. 2011, Istanbul, Turkey. Istanbul: Turkish Psychological Association.
Millová, K., Blatný, M., Jelínek, M., & Šolcová, I. (2011). Predictors of career orientation from the perspective of 50year longitudinal study. In K. Bartošová, M. Čerňák, P. Humpolíček, M. Kukaňová & A. Slezáčková (Eds.), Social processes and personality (collection of conference presentations on CD; pp. 197-200). Brno: Tribun EU. (in Czech)
Blatný, M., Jelínek, M., Millová, K., & Klimusová, H. (2010). From GABA to meaning in life. In M. Blatný, M. Hřebíčková, S. Kouřilová & A. Slezáčková (Eds.). 15th European Conference on Personality: Program and Abstracts (p. 111). Brno: Institute of Psychology AS CR.
Blatný, M., Millová, K., Jelínek, M., & Osecká, T. (2010). Meaningfulness in life: personality correlates and antecedents. Czechoslovak Psychology, 54, 3, 225-234. (in Czech)
Millová, K. (2010). Theories of lifespan development. In M. Blatný et al., Personality psychology: main themes, current approaches (pp. 167 - 195). Praha: Grada Publishing. (in Czech)
Millová, K. (2009). The analysis of some contemporary life-span development theories. E-psychologie [online], 3, 45-54. (in Czech)
Millová, K. (2009). An overview of some contemporary theories of human lifespan development. In M. Blatný, D. Vobořil, P. Květon, M. Jelínek, V. Sobotková & S. Kouřilová (Eds.), Collection of conference presentations: Social processes and personality (pp. 238-243). Brno: Institute of Psychology AS CR. (in Slovak)
Millová, K., Blatný, M., & Kohoutek, T. (2008). Demanding life situations in university students: gender aspect. Social Processes & Personality, 1, 1, 12 – 19.
Millová, K., Blatný, M., & Kohoutek, T. (2008). Personality aspects of coping with stress. E-psychologie [online], 2, 1, 1 – 8. (in Slovak)
Millová, K., Blatný, M., & Kohoutek, T. (2008). Personality aspects of coping with stress (in Slovak). In L. Golecká, J. Gurňáková, & I. Ruisel (Eds.). Social processes and personality 2008. Bratislava: Ústav experimentálnej psychológie SAV; Book of Abstracts, p. 42.
Millová, K., Blatný, M., & Kohoutek, T. (2007). Personality relation to coping with stress (in Slovak). In M. Svoboda, M. Blatný, & P. Humpolíček (Eds.): Social processes and personality 2007. Collection of conference presentations. Brno : Psychologický ústav Filozofické fakulty Masarykovy univerzity, 317 – 321.