Ondřej Santolík

Function: Head of the Department
Position: Senior Research Scientist
Phone: +420 267 103 083
Room: G310

Selected publications:


  • GA ČR. GA14-31899S, Satellite, balloon and ground-based measurements of electromagnetic manifestations of thunderstorms, 2014–2016. Investigator: Santolík, O. Details
  • AV ČR. M100421206, Měření a analýza elektromagnetických vln v atmosféře a ionosféře Země: družicový projekt TARANIS a související pozemní a balonová měření, 2012–2015. Investigator: Santolík, O.
  • MŠMT. LH12231, Long-wavelength Electro-Magnetic Radiation Analyzer for the Luna-Glob mission (LEMRA-L), 2012-2015. Investigator: Santolík, O. Details
  • MŠMT. 7E12026, Monitoring, Analyzing and Assessing Radiation Belt Loss and Energization, 2012-2014. Investigator: Santolík, O. Details
  • MŠMT. LH11122, Experimental analysis of electromagnetic waves in the inner magnetosphere of the Earth, 2011-2014. Investigator: Santolík, O. Details
  • ESA, PRODEX: Assessment level studies of the radio and plasma waves instrument for EJSM, 2011-2012. Investigator: Santolík, O. Details
  • GA ČR. GAP205/10/2279, Waves and turbulence in plasmas and their interactions with charged particles, 2010-2014. Investigator: Santolík, O. Details
  • MŠMT. ME10001, Analysis of electromagnetic waves in the radiation belts and development of data processing algorithms for the NASA RBSP project, 2010-2012. Investigator: Santolík, O. Details
  • EU. MŠMT. 7E10048, European Planetology Network Research Infrastructure, 2010-2012. Investigator: Santolík, O.
  • MŠMT. ME09107, Investigation of propagation of electromagnetic waves observed on the satellite DEMETER, 2009-2012. Investigator: Santolík, O. Details


Chairman of the Institute Board