Alumni Profiles

Emil Stavrev

Emil Stavrev

Bulgaria, PhD 1999

Emil Stavrev joined the IMF in 2001 and is currently a Senior Economist there. Prior to his move to Washington, D.C., he was a Senior Economist at the Economic Modeling Division of the Czech National Bank from 1997 to 2001. He was awarded his PhD degree in 1999; his doctoral dissertation was titled “Essays on Transition”, covering topics related to economies in transition, with the first part dealing with continuous time macro-economic modeling and the second part estimating demand systems for households based on household budget surveys. His recent work is focused on inflation, monetary policy, and international macroeconomics.

His most recent external publication is "Measures of underlying inflation in the euro area: assessment and role for informing monetary policy" in Empirical Economics (2010). In addition, he has published numerous IMF Working Papers and Reports over the past decade, including "Euro Area Monetary Policy in Uncharted Waters" in 2009 with fellow CERGE-EI alumni Martin Čihák. Some of his articles with IMF colleagues have appeared in condensed versions on, a popular economic/public policy analysis website which is frequented by a number of actors in the policy-making sector.