Alumni Profiles

Andrew Pribram

Andrew Pribram

USA, MA in Applied Economics 2013

Andrew has joined the computer development software company AVG Technologies, Czech Republic, and is working there as a Senior Data Analyst. Previously he combined this job with a position of the Chief of Staff at the Prague Society for International Cooperation. Before the MA in Applied Economics program, Andrew had graduated from the University of Rochester, NY, USA with BS in Mathematics and BA in Philosophy.

“The people working with the MA in Applied Economics program are constantly working to make the program better and continue to provide value...even after graduation. The program provided the foundations it promised. I got the core skills I needed to land a job in big data analytics - one of the most in-demand jobs around. I really agree with what one of the board members said: the program gives you the core tools needed in the business world. There may be programs out there that are more focused, but I now see a lot of value in the breadth of the program. And the value CERGE-EI keeps adding with workshops and building out and supporting an alumni network.”