Josef Boška

Function: Head of Průhonice observatory
Position: Senior Research Scientist
Phone: + 420 272 016 065
Room: 205

Selected publications:

  • Koucká Knížová, Petra ; Mošna, Zbyšek ; Kouba, Daniel ; Potužníková, Kateřina ; Boška, Josef, 2015: Influence of meteorological systems on the ionosphere over Europe, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, in press
  • Rejfek, Luboš ; Mošna, Zbyšek ; Kouba, Daniel ; Boška, Josef ; Burešová, Dalia, 2015: Application of digital filters to check quality of the automatically scaled ionograms, Journal of Electrical Engineering - Elektrotechnický časopis, 66, 3, pp. 164-168
  • Laštovička, Jan ; Boška, Josef ; Burešová, Dalia ; Kouba, Daniel, 2012: High historical values of foEs — Reality or artefact?, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 74, -, pp. 51-54
  • Altadill, D. ; Boška, Josef ; Cander, Lj. R. ; Gulyaeva, T. ; Reinisch, B. W. ; Romano, V. ; Krankowski, A. ; Bremer, J. ; Stanislawska, I. ; Jakowski, N. ; Scotto, C., 2009: Near Earth space plasma monitoring under COST 296, Annals of Geophysics, 52, 3/4, pp. 221-234
  • Jakowski, N. ; Stankov, S. M. ; Wilken, V. ; Borries, C. ; Altadill, D. ; Chum, Jaroslav ; Burešová, Dalia ; Boška, Josef ; Šauli, Petra ; Hruška, František ; Cander, Lj. R., 2008: Ionospheric behaviour over Europe during the solar eclipse of 3 October 2005, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 70, 6, pp. 836-853
  • Kouba, Daniel ; Boška, Josef ; Galkin, I. A. ; Santolík, Ondřej ; Šauli, Petra, 2008: Ionospheric drift measurements: Skymap points selection, Radio Science, 43, 1, pp. RS1S90/1-RS1S90/11
  • Šauli, Petra ; Roux, S. G. ; Abry, P. ; Boška, Josef, 2007: Acoustic–gravity waves during solar eclipses: Detection and characterization using wavelet transforms, of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 69, 17-18, pp. 2465-2484
  • Šauli, Petra ; Mošna, Zbyšek ; Boška, Josef ; Kouba, Daniel ; Laštovička, Jan ; Altadill, D., 2007: Comparison of true-height elektron density profiles derived by POLAN and NHPC methods, Studia geophysica et geodaetica, 51, 3, pp. 449-459
  • Šauli, Petra ; Abry, P. ; Altadil, D. ; Boška, Josef, 2006: Detection of the wave-like structures in the F-region electron density: two station measurements, Studia geophysica et geodaetica, 50, 1, pp. 131-146
  • Šauli, Petra ; Abry, P. ; Boška, Josef ; Duchayne, L., 2006: Wavelet characterisation of ionospheric acoustic and gravity waves occuring during the solar eclipse of August 11, 1999, Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 68, 3-5, pp. 586-598
  • Blanch, E. ; Altadill, D. ; Boška, Josef ; Burešová, Dalia ; Hernández-Pajares, M., 2005: November 2003 event: effects on the Earth"s ionosphere observed from ground-based ionosonde and GPS data, Annales Geophysica, 23, -, pp. 3027-3034


  • Galileo Supervising Authority (GSA)/ 7. rámcovy program EU. MŠMT. 7E10032, Scientific Service Support based on GALILEO E5 Receivers, 2010–2012. Investigator: Laštovička, J., Team: Boška J., Kouba D., Burešová D., Mošna Z. Details