

Horák Vratislav , RNDr., CSc.

Telephone: +420 315 639 587
Mobile phone:
Department: Laboratory of Tumor Biology
Building: Liběchov/
Institutional service phone: 287

Curriculum vitae:


university studies - the Faculty of Science, the Charles University, Prague

(biology, specialization - animal genetics)


postgraduate student - the Institute of Animal Physiology and Genetics, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Liběchov


M.Sc. - the Faculty of Science, the Charles University, Prague


Ph.D. - the Institute of Animal Physiology and Genetics, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Liběchov

1980 - 1987

researcher - the Institute of Animal Physiology and Genetics, Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, Liběchov

1988 - 2003

senior research - the Institute of Animal Physiology and Genetics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Liběchov

2004 – at present

executive resercher - the Institute of Animal Physiology and Genetics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v.v.i., Liběchov

2001 - dosud

Head of the Laboratory of Tumour Biology, the Institute of Animal Physiology and Genetics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v.v.i., Liběchov


Experimental oncology; cancer immunotherapy; malignant melanoma; animal cell in vitro cultivation, characterization and differentiation; developmental biology; stem cells; cytokines


Czechoslovak Biological Society

Czech Histo- and Cytochemical Society

European Society for Pigment Cell Research

Internship abroad:

1987, 1988

Institute for the Biology of Farm Animals, Dummerstorf, DDR

1993,1995, 1996,1998

Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, Jouy-en-Josas, France

1994, 1996

Institute of Plant Genetics, Gatersleben, Germany



Horák V.: A successive histochemical staining for succinate dehydrogenase and "reversed"-ATPase in a single section for the skeletal muscle fibre typing. Histochemistry 78: 545-553


Horák V., Hruban V., Dvořák P.: The tissue distribution of Ia- and IgM-positive cells in adult and newborn miniature pigs. Anat.Histol.Embryol. 18: 157-164


Horák V., Matolín S.: Inhibition reactivation myofibrillar ATPase technique for demonstration of three fibre types in a single cryostat muscle section. Stain Technol. 65: 85-89


Horák V.: Fibre type differentiation during postnatal development of miniature pig skeletal muscle. Reprod.Nutr.Dev. 35:725-736


Rohwedel J., Horák V., Hebrok M., Füchtbauer E.-M., Wobus A.M.: M-twist expression inhibits mouse embryonic stem cell-derived myogenic differentiation in vitro. Exp.Cell Res. 220: 92-100


Dvořák P., Fléchon J.E., Thompson E., Horák V., Adenot P., Renard J.P.: Embryoglycans regulate FGF-2-mediated mesoderm induction in the rabbit embryo. J.Cell Sci. 110: 1-10


Horák V., Fortýn K., Hruban V., Klaudy J.: Hereditary melanoblastoma in miniature pigs and its successful therapy by devitalization technique. Cell. Mol.Biol.  45: 1119-1129


Boisgard, R., Vincent-Naulleau, S., Leplat, J.-J., Bouet, S., Le Chalony, C., Tricaud, Y., Horák, V., Geffrotin, C., Frelat, G., Tavitian, B.: A new animal model for the imaging of melanoma: correlation of FDG PET with clinical outcome, macroscopic aspect and histological classification in Melanoblastoma-bearing Libechov Minipigs. Eur. J. Nucl. Med. Mol. Imaging 30: 826-834.


Borovanský, J., Horák, V., Elleder, M., Fortýn, K., Smit, N.P.M., Kolb, A.M.: Biochemical characterization of a new melanoma model – the minipig MeLiM strain. Melanoma Res. 13: 1-6.


Le Chalony C., Renard C., Vincent-Naulleau S., Crechet F., Leplat J.J., Tricaud Y., Horák V., Gruand J., Le Roy P., Frelat G., Geffrotin C.: CDKN2A region polymorphism and genetic susceptibility to melanoma in the MeLiM swine model of familial melanoma. Int. J. Cancer 103: 631-635


Geffrotin, C., Crechet, F., Le Roy, P., Chalony, C., Leplat, J. J., Iannuccelli, N., Barbosa, A., Renard, C., Gruand, J., Milan, D., Horák, V., Tricaud, Y., Bouet, S., Franck, M., Frelat, G., Vincent-Naulleau, S.: Identification of five chromosomal regions involved in predisposition to melanoma by genome-wide scan in the MeLiM swine model. Int. J. Cancer, 110: 39-50


Hruban, V., Horák, V., Fortýn, K., Hradecký, J., Klaudy, J., Smith, D.M., Reisnerová, H., Majzlík, I.: Inheritance of malignant melanoma in the MeliM strain of miniature pigs. Vet. Med - Czech. 49: 453-459


Vincent-Naulleau, S., LeChalony, C., Leplat, J., Bouet, S., Bailly, C., Spatz, A., Vielh, P., Avril, M.F., Tricaud, Y., Gruand, J., Horák, V., Frelat, G., Geffrotin, C.: Clinical and histopathological characterization of cutaneous melanomas in the Melanoblastoma-bearing Libechov Minipig model. Pigment Cell Res. 17: 24-35.


Horák V., Morávková A, Málek O, Hradecký J, Klaudy J, Strnádel J, Míšek I: Lokální chirurgická ischemizace – devitalizace nádorové tkáně. In: Angiogenéza a lymfangiogenéza (eds. Lešník F., Jenča A., Danko J. et al.), Univerzita veterinárskeho lekárstva a Lekárská fakulta UPJŠ, Košice (ISBN 80-8077-023-9), str. 41-51


Moravkova A., Malek O., Pokorna E., Strnadel J., Hradecky J., Horak V.: Immune characterization of the Lewis rats inoculated with K2 sarcoma cells and newly derived R5-28 malignant cells. Folia Biol. (Praha) 51: 159-165


Svoboda M., Eichlerová K., Horák V., Hradecký J.: Development of haematological incidences in Melanoma-bearing Libechov minipigs. Acta Vet. (Brno) 74: 603-612


Du Z.Q., Vincent-Naulleau S., Gilbert H., Vignoles F., Crechet F., Shimogiri T., Yasue H., Leplat J-J., Bouet S., Gruand J., Horak V., Milan D., Le Roy P., Geffrotin C.: Detection of novel quantitative trait loci for cutaneous melanoma by genome-wide scan in the MeLiM swine model. Int. J. Cancer 120: 303-320


Strnádel J., Kverka M., Horák V., Vannucci L., Usvald D., Hlučilová J., Plánská D., Váňa P., Reisnerová H., Jílek F.: Multiplex analysis of cytokines involved in tumour growth and spontaneous regression in a rat sarcoma model. Folia Biol. (Praha) 53: 216-219


Rambow F., Malek O., Geffrotin C., Leplat J.-J., Bouet S., Piton G., Hugot K., Bevilacqua C., Horák V., Vincent-Naulleau S.: Identification of differentially expressed genes in spontaneously regressing melanoma using the MeLiM swine model. Pigment Cell Melanoma Res. 21: (doi: 10.1111/j.1755-148X.2008.00442.x)


Rovenská M., Hlouchová K., Šácha P., Mlčochová P., Horák V., Zámečník J., Bařinka C., Konvalinka J.: Tissue expression and enzymologic characterization of human prostate specific membrane antigen and its rat and pig orthologs. Prostate 68: 171-182


Krizkova S., Fabrik I., Adam V., Kukacka J., Prusa R., Trnkova L., Strnadel J., Horak V., Kizek R.: Effect of reduced glutathione, surface active agents, and ionic strength on the detection of metallothioneins by using of Brdicka reaction. Electroanalysis 21: 640-644


Putnová I., Odehnalová S., Horák V., Stehlík L., Míšek I., Lozanoff S., Buchtová M.: Comparative morphology of normal and cleft minipigs demonstrates dual origin of incisors. Arch. Oral Biol. 56: 1624-1634




Rumburská 89
277 21 Liběchov
tel.: 315 639 532
fax: 315 639 510
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142 20 Praha 4-Krč
tel.: 267 090 501
fax: 267 090 500
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602 00 Brno 2
tel.: 532 290 136
fax: 541 212 988