
Completing a thesis is not required to gain the Masters of Arts in Applied Economics degree, and normally is not part of the program. You may choose to do a thesis if you want a more research-intensive education or if you have reason to believe the degree will not be nostrified without a thesis.

The requirements and procedure for completing a thesis are agreed upon for your individual needs. You will need to have a faculty supervisor and the Program Director must pre-approve your study plan. The fee for the thesis is 3,000 USD.

The thesis is always completed after all other courses are finished. Even if you complete a thesis, you must still complete the Project Seminar and write the Project.

You are not required to be resident in Prague when you are doing your thesis. It is possible to graduate with the Master of Arts in Applied Economics degree, receive the diploma, and complete the thesis afterwards. Student status and long-term visa documentation is not provided while you are writing a thesis.

MA in Applied Economics Thesis