Entered keyword "civil society" yielded 82 results.
Authors: Mansfeldová, Zdenka
Project duration: 2011 - 2012
Authors: Rakušanová, Petra
Based on differentiation between the terms civil society and the third sector the text defines the space of civic participation. The establishment of terminology and theoretical framework appears to be a key component, as the terms civil society and third (non-governmental) secto...
2. 7. 2007
11.-13.7. 2007, Sociologický ústav AV ČR,v.v.i., Praha
2. 7. 2007
July 11th-14th, Institute of Sociology Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, 2nd floor Meeting room no. 207
Authors: Nešporová, Olga
The paper introduces the specific features of contemporary last rites in the CR. The history of cremation and the introduction of the civil funeral ceremony during the communist era are briefly mentioned since the author is convinced that current death rituals as practised by the...
18. 11. 2010
Workshop se uskuteční v úterý 23.11.2010 od 14.00 do 16.00 v zasedací místnosti Sociologického ústavu AV ČR číslo 207, v.v.i., a proběhne v anglickém jazyce.
24. 5. 2005
Místo konání: Sociologický ústav AV ČR, Jilská 1, 110 00 Praha 1
Authors: Felt, U., D. Barben, A. Irwin, P.-B. Joly, A. Rip, A. Stirling, Tereza, Stöckelová
Authors: Pat Lyons
This book demonstrates what the polling evidence tells us about changes in Irish opinion since 1970 towards key issues: The economy - has the Celtic tiger economy changed Irish citizens? --- Northern Ireland - have aspirations for a united Ireland disappeared with the peace proce...
The proposed research project, which is structurally based on the comparative analysis of the role of social capital and civil society in achieving the goals of development policy through stimulating social partnerships and improving levels of administrative capacity, is based on...
Project duration: 2005 - 2006
Tomáš Kostelecký, Jana Vobecká (eds.): Regional Elites 2004, Jana Stachová: Civil Society in the Regions of the Czech Republic
Science as a public matter: science policies and the media - Karel Čada, Alice Červinková, Marcela Linková, Dana Řeháčková, Tereza Stöckelová
The Sociological Library is a modern specialised library, which is intended to serve the needs of researchers, students, and the wider academic community. Library collection contains just about 25 thousand volumes. All items are available for use in the library study hall and abo...
Head of department: Mgr. Nela Hesová
Authors: Leontiyeva, Yana (ed.), Petra Ezzeddine-Lukšíková, Tomáš Hirt, Marek Jakoubek, Jiří Kocourek, Lucia Pažejová
The study focuses on minority ethnic groups and populations that have become a recognisable presence in the Czech Republic: Slovaks, Ukrainians, Vietnamese, and Roma. The main objective of the study is to map the situation of these communities or populations in the Czech Republic...
Authors: Linek, Lukáš
Výzkumný projekt je zaměřen na zkoumání povahy a determinant politického aktivismu v České republice. Klade zvláštní důraz na to, jak se občané účastní protestů a demonstrací. Cílem projektu je ukázat, jak se protestující liší od ostatních obyvatel ČR ve smyslu jejich postojů a c...
Project duration: 2012
Authors: Stachová, Jana
The regional elites express a higher level of generalized and institutional trust in comparison with the average among the Czech population. The cause of this difference can be found in the income inequalities and in the level of education. The regional elites express also a grea...