As regards the activities of the state, there is widespread belief that no major developments occurred during last year. 45% to 58% of respondents are of the opinion that no progress was made in respect of the protection of human rights, fight with crime, immigration policy, economic and foreign policy and environmental care. The greatest criticism is levelled against the employment policy (64%) and the agricultural policy (47%). The changes in the social policy and fight with corruption and economic crime are viewed as unconvincing – some respondents think that the situation did not change last year, while roughly the same proportion of them hold the opinion that it deteriorated. Favourable assessments exceed the level of ten percent only in respect of foreign policy, protection of human rights, home policy and fight with crime. The environmental care was the only area to frequently receive a favourable assessment (34%).
On last year’s state policies and the urgency of problems
Miluše Rezková Monday, 31 March 2003