Vnitrodruhová variabilita v chování zvířat, tj. personalita, výrazně ovlivňuje ekologické i evoluční procesy. V tomto článku se pojednává o tom, jak může personalita vzniknout u pavouků a její vliv na potravní sítě.
Citovaná a doporučená literatura:
Michalko R. & Pekár S. (2014). Is different degree of individual specialization in three spider species caused by distinct selection pressures?. Basic and Applied Ecology, 15(6), 496-506.
Michalko R. & Pekár S. (2015). Niche partitioning and niche filtering jointly mediate the coexistence of three closely related spider species (Araneae, Philodromidae). Ecological Entomology, 40(1), 22-33.
Pruitt J.N. & Riechert S.E. (2012). The ecological consequences of temperament in spiders. Current Zoology, 58(8), 589-596.
Sih A., Cote J., Evans M., Fogarty S. & Pruitt J. (2012). Ecological implications of behavioural syndromes. Ecology Letters, 15(3), 278-289.
Inter-individual behavioural differences, i.e. personalities, play a very important role in eco-evolutionary processes. Here, we describe how spiders’ personalities arise and how they influence the dynamics of food webs.