Fyzikální ústav Akademie věd ČR


Tuesday, 08.12.2015 15:00

Josef Redinger (Center for Computational Materials Science, Technische Universität Wien)

Abstract: Depending on the detailed interface, rocksalt CoO may grow in different orientations on the Ir(100) surface and thus strongly influence magnetic and structural properties. First principles calculations elucidate the driving forces behind. For ultra thin CoO(111) films supported on Ir(100) a close relationship between the local structural properties of the oxide film and the induced magnetic order is found, leading to alternating ferromagnetically and antiferromagnetically ordered segments.

Tuesday, 15.12.2015 15:00 - 16:00

Václav Cílek (Geologický ústav AV ČR, v.v.i.)

Abstrakt: Rok 2010 byl mimořádně suchý. V Číně se dokonce jednalo o nejsušší zimu za posledních sto let, takže bylo nutné zvýšit dodávky obilí pro 300 milionů lidí. V Rusku se urodilo o 33 % obilí méně, než byla očekávaná sklizeň. Na Ukrajině ztráty dosáhly 20 % a v Kanadě 14 %. V červnu 2010 stála tuna pšenice 157 amerických dolarů, ale o půl roku později už dvojnásobek – 326 dolarů. Např. průměrný Egypťan vydává za jídlo 40 % svého platu, ale ti chudší mnohem víc. Chléb přitom představuje zhruba třetinu kalorií, které Egypťané a obecně obyvatelé severní Afriky spotřebují.

Past seminars

M. Moro Engineering spin structures at the atomic scale 09.07.2015 15:00
Dr. Lars-Oliver Kautschor Extending Synchrotron X-ray Microscopy to the Laboratory - X-Ray Microscopy as a correlative imaging technique 09.07.2015 14:00
Alan D. Bristow Coherent Spectroscopy for Quantum Control of Matter 07.07.2015 10:00
V.P. Zhukov Modeling of propagation of bi-chromatic laser pulse in transparent solids: Preliminary concept 02.07.2015 14:30
Martin Friák Multi-scale modeling of hierarchical biocomposites 30.06.2015 15:00
Leonid Glebov Volume Holographic Elements for Spectroscopy and High-Power Laser Applications 26.06.2015 10:00
Urko Petralanda Holguin Structural instabilities and sequence of phase transitions in SBN and SBT from first principles and Monte Carlo simulations 23.06.2015 15:00
Dr. Pavel Staroba Measurement of properties of W a Z bosons at LHC + information about conference CIPANP 2015 18.06.2015 13:30
Václav Drchal Angle-resolved photoemission spectra of Heusler alloys: Ni2MnGa as a case study 16.06.2015 15:00
Kirill Belashchenko Effects of thermal spin fluctuations on the electronic properties of itinerant magnets: Surprises from ab initio calculations 09.06.2015 15:00
Elena Buixaderas / Urko Petralanda Metastable ferroelectric states in antiferroelectric PZT ceramics (EB); Phase transtion mechanism of SBT and SBN (UP) 09.06.2015 14:00
Joachim Reichert Single-Molecule Junctions in Strong Optical Fields 09.06.2015 10:00
Vladimir Stephanovich Thermodynamics of magnetically ordered and disordered systems 04.06.2015 14:00
Prof. B. Dabrowski Search for Displacive-type Multiferroics with a Huge Magnetoelectric Coupling 02.06.2015 10:00
Karel Král, Miroslav Menšík Energy and Charge Transfer between Quasi-zero-dimensional Nanostructures 26.05.2015 15:00
Marek Pasciak Finite temperature phonon spectra in perovskites from atomistic simulations 26.05.2015 10:00
Iván Brihuega Visualizing and manipulating graphene physics at the atomic scale 21.05.2015 15:00
R. Cimrman, M. Novák, and J. Vackář Isogeometric analysis, environment-reflecting separable pseudopotentials and Hamiltonian rank-m updates in the evaluation of Hellman-Feynman forces 12.05.2015 15:00
Miroslav Kotrla Multiscale modeling of magnetic metals heteroepitaxial overlayers. 05.05.2015 15:00
Michal Svatoš Measurement of the isolated prompt photon + b jet cross-section in pp collisions at 8 TeV 30.04.2015 13:30
Dr. Xavier Martí From/to science to/from business 30.04.2015 10:00
Matthias Vojta Coupled-dimer magnets: Systematic expansions, quantum criticality, and disorder 28.04.2015 15:00
Bert Voigtländer Charge Transport Measurements at the Nanoscale using a Multi-Tip STM 28.04.2015 10:00
Prof. David A. Crandles The Search for Ferromagnetism in SrTiO3 28.04.2015 10:00
Prof. Shih-Jye Sun The property variations of ZnO responding to UV irradiations 27.04.2015 13:30
Prof. Hua Shu Hsu Introduction to Magnetic Circular Dichroism and its application in magnetic semiconductor 27.04.2015 13:00
Jiří Chaloupka Magnetism of layered honeycomb iridates 21.04.2015 15:00
Alexander Poddubny Surface engineering in silicon- and germanium- based nanocrystals 21.04.2015 10:00
Hendrik Vita Interaction of magnetic and non-magnetic metals with graphene 14.04.2015 15:00
Roman Fasel Electronic and optical properties of atomically precise graphene nanoribbons 09.04.2015 15:00

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