Fyzikální ústav Akademie věd ČR

LASER PHYSICIST - Senior Researcher (REF:ELI-L1-LS01 High power OPCPA)

The ELI (Extreme Light Infrastructure) Project is an integral part of the European Union plan to build the next generation of large research facilities. ELI-Beamlines as a cutting edge laser facility is currently being constructed in Prague, Czech Republic; its commissioning is scheduled for end of 2015. ELI will be delivering ultrashort, ultraintense laser pulses lasting typically a few femtoseconds (10-15 fs) ) with some laser systems reaching peak power up to 10 PW. It will make available time synchronized laser beams over wide range intensities for wide range of interdisciplinary applications in physics, medicine, biology, material science etc. The high laser electric field intensities of the laser pulse will be also used for generating secondary sources of e- and p+.

More details about this exciting project can be found on www.eli-beams.eu.

For construction of our 1 kHz repetition rate beamline we invite applications for a new group member
LASER PHYSICIST - Senior Researcher (REF:ELI-L1-LS01 High power OPCPA).

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