Fyzikální ústav Akademie věd ČR


Seminar / Tue, 08/12/2015 - 15:00

Josef Redinger (Center for Computational Materials Science, Technische Universität Wien)

Abstract: Depending on the detailed interface, rocksalt CoO may grow in different orientations on the Ir(100) surface and thus strongly influence magnetic and structural properties. First principles calculations elucidate the driving forces behind. For ultra thin CoO(111) films supported on Ir(100) a close relationship between the local structural properties of the oxide film and the induced magnetic order is found, leading to alternating ferromagnetically and antiferromagnetically ordered segments.

Workshop / Mon, 14/12/2015 - 09:00 - Tue, 15/12/2015 - 18:00

V. Petříček, M. Dušek

Ad hoc workshops are small two days workshops organized by authors of the crystallographic software Jana2006. The topics and dates are selected by participants in Jana web pages jana.fzu.cz. A workshop is organized as soon as an overlap in subscribed topics is found.

Seminar / Tue, 15/12/2015 - 15:00 - 16:00

Václav Cílek (Geologický ústav AV ČR, v.v.i.)

Abstrakt: Rok 2010 byl mimořádně suchý. V Číně se dokonce jednalo o nejsušší zimu za posledních sto let, takže bylo nutné zvýšit dodávky obilí pro 300 milionů lidí. V Rusku se urodilo o 33 % obilí méně, než byla očekávaná sklizeň. Na Ukrajině ztráty dosáhly 20 % a v Kanadě 14 %. V červnu 2010 stála tuna pšenice 157 amerických dolarů, ale o půl roku později už dvojnásobek – 326 dolarů. Např. průměrný Egypťan vydává za jídlo 40 % svého platu, ale ti chudší mnohem víc. Chléb přitom představuje zhruba třetinu kalorií, které Egypťané a obecně obyvatelé severní Afriky spotřebují.

Past events

Seminar / Tue, 25/10/2011 - 15:00

Quantum Chemistry Study of Porphyrin and Phthalocyanine Systems within DFT Methods

Seminar / Tue, 25/10/2011 - 10:00

Structural and electronic properties of PTCDA organic molecules on semiconductor surfaces

Seminar / Fri, 21/10/2011 - 13:30

Principal results from LHC: reflections from summer conferences

Seminar / Thu, 20/10/2011 - 15:00

Golden seventies in particle physics (our beginnings IV) - Electronic experiments at CERN and IHEP Serpukhov (via LHE, JINR Dubna)

Seminar / Wed, 19/10/2011 - 15:00

Transport properties of GaN doped with Fe

Seminar / Tue, 18/10/2011 - 15:00

Stability of Fermi liquid with respect to dynamical fluctuations in strongly correlated electron systems

Seminar / Tue, 18/10/2011 - 10:00

Interplay between defect structure and piezoelectric properties of Pb[Zr,Ti]O3 and ‘lead-free’ alternative compounds

Seminar / Thu, 13/10/2011 - 15:00

Quantum physics without observers and paradoxes?

Seminar / Thu, 13/10/2011 - 14:00

AFM based characterization of inorganic and organic semiconductor nanostructures

Seminar / Wed, 12/10/2011 - 15:00

The extreme cold in the service of science

Seminar / Wed, 12/10/2011 - 13:45

Structure, luminescence and thermoelectric properties of silicon-silicide nanoheterostructures with buried nanocrystals

Seminar / Wed, 12/10/2011 - 13:00

Thermoelectrical properties of silicon double heterostructures with buried magnesium silicide two-dimensional structures

Conference / Fri, 07/10/2011 - 09:00

Towards CP Violation in Neutrino Physics

Conference / Wed, 05/10/2011 - 08:00

ELI-Beamlines Scientific Challenges

Seminar / Tue, 04/10/2011 - 15:00

Enriched and high-order finite elements for large, accurate ab initio electronic structure calculations

Seminar / Tue, 04/10/2011 - 13:00

Electronic processes occurring in solids irradiated by ultra-short XUV/Vis laser pulses: theory and computer simulations

Seminar / Fri, 30/09/2011 - 10:00

Multiscale study of magnetism at the nanoscale: highlighting spin-orbit induced phenomena

Seminar / Tue, 27/09/2011 - 14:30

Cw and Pulsed ESR Spectroscopy of Paramagnetic Centers in Porous Materials

Conference / Tue, 20/09/2011 - 09:30

String Field Theory 2011

Seminar / Tue, 16/08/2011 - 10:00

Fundamentals of MR-RA scaling: TMR and GMR

Seminar / Wed, 10/08/2011 - 10:00

InAs Spinfilter Cascades

Seminar / Tue, 02/08/2011 - 10:00

Spin-orbital effects in Mott-Hubbard optical bands in LaMnO3

Conference / Mon, 25/07/2011 - 09:00

Frontiers of Quantum and Mesoscopic Thermodynamics

Seminar / Mon, 18/07/2011 - 17:00

Microscopic friction and diffusion of surface adsorbed molecules measured in real time by neutron scattering

Seminar / Fri, 15/07/2011 - 10:00

Rare-Earth Nitrides: Intrinsic Ferromagnetic Semiconductors

Workshop / Wed, 13/07/2011 - 13:00

The 9th Ad-Hoc workshop on Jana2006

Seminar / Tue, 12/07/2011 - 10:00

Electron dynamics and transport in nanocrystalline CdS studied by time-resolved THz spectroscopy

Workshop / Mon, 27/06/2011 - 09:00

The 8th Ad-Hoc workshop on Jana2006

Seminar / Thu, 23/06/2011 - 15:00

Our emigrants from the department of high energy physics of the Institute of Physics of the CSAS after 1968

Seminar / Thu, 23/06/2011 - 10:00

Phonon modes and ferroelectric domains in PbTiO3 thin films

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