The objective of the project is to make a comprehensive, theoretically framed, and empirically grounded, context-based description of the transformation of housing conditions in the CR after 1990, including both the identification of the main causes of this development and an analysis of its effects on social inequalities and market risks. In the area of inequalities the project focuses on housing affordability, the residential property distribution, access to housing, and extreme forms of inequalities (social exclusion). In the area of market risks the project focuses on risks arising from the growth in the level of homeownership, the mortgage market development, and the "manipulation" of housing demand. The goal is also to evaluate current tools of state housing and monetary policy, whether they effectively limit the growth of social inequalities that are a threat to sustainable economic development and social cohesion, whether they limit the growth of market system risks, and to make general recommendations for changes in this fields.
The project is supported by the Grant agency of the Czech Republic, the head of the project is Ing. Mgr. Martin Lux, Ph.D. The project started in 2009 and ends in 2011. Read more...
Project publications (total 39, displaying 1 - 10)
Housing Standards 2010/2011 is the fifth monograph in a series with the same title published by the Institute of Sociology AS CR. Although each volume in the series is a separate monograph devoted to one main theme, which in this case is social inequalities in housing and market risks in the housing market in the Czech Republic, they all are divided into a module section and an analytical section devoted to the given main theme.
Chapter is focused on three research questions: (1) Why was part of the housing stock in the Czech Republic restituted and why it happened in the form of natural restitution instead of financial compensation? (2) Why was preserved conservative rent control and quasi-ownership of housing even for restituted flats? (3) What were the consequences of property restitution on perceptions towards private rental housing, private landlords and their tenants in the Czech Republic?
Chapter is focused on following research questions: (a) Whether clear idea about the goals of the privatization of the housing stock existed. (b) Whether there were some alternatives of the chosen privatization strategy. (c) What was the role of ideology by decision about privatization strategy? Chapter includes also discussion about changes in the Middle and East European countries after 1989 and relevance of terms like ‘transitive’ and ‘path-dependence’.
Key research question of the chapter is whether and to what extent were social inequalities in housing affordability increasing or decreasing among different social groups of households in the period 1991-2009. Authors used innovative methodological approaches to answer the key research question.
Chapter focuses on three research questions: (1) How strong is the relationship between the key aspect of social stratification – socio-economic status of the household head – and housing inequalities in the Czech Republic? (2) If such relationship exists, how it has been evolving during past two decades? (3) What dimension(s) of housing inequalities, if such exists, is most significantly linked to social stratification?
Chapter answers following research questions: (1) Whether the development of regional disparities in housing affordability accords with the theory of convergence or the theory of divergence or it does not correspond to any of these theories. (2) What was the number of household’s types threatened by housing unaffordability and potential social exclusion in the Czech regions?
Chapter focus on the following research questions: (1) Are the causes of homelessness in the Czech Republic country-specific or more or less the same as in developed countries? (2) Could be some country-specific features of homelessness following from change in political and economic system of the Czech Republic used for extension of homelessness theories based on experiences of western countries?
The goal of the chapter is to answer the question, whether the flat prices increased in 2007 above the long-term equilibrium price level based on basic macro-economic development and the price bubble in the Czech Republic arose. The existence of the price bubble would indicate presence of systemic risk on the Czech housing market.
Monografie Standardy bydlení 2010/2011 je již pátou v řadě monografií se stejným názvem, ale různým vročením, vydaných Sociologickým ústavem AV ČR, v.v.i.; předcházející monografie byly vydány v letech 2003, 2004, 2005 a 2008.
The authors of the chapter focus on following research questions: (1) What factors explain different impacts of global economic crisis on mortgage markets and housing markets in post-socialist countries? And more specifically: (2) Could differences in institutional arrangements in housing systems and housing policies explain different impacts of economic crisis on housing markets in post-socialist countries?