Tanaka, T., Kobayashi, F., Joshi, G.P., Onuki, R., Sakai, H., Kanamori, H., Wu, J., Šimková, H., Nasuda, S., Endo, T.R., Hayakawa, K., Doležel, J., Ogihara, Y., Itoh, T., Matsumoto, T., Handa, H.
Advances in wheat genetics: From genome to field
Klíčová slova:
Annotation, Chromosome 6B, Genome sequencing, Marker construction, RNA gene, Synteny
International Wheat Genome Sequencing Consortium (IWGSC) decided
to adopt the strategy of chromosome sorting and short read assembly to overcome
diffi culties of wheat genome sequencing derived from the hexaploid status, the large
genome size (about 17 Gb) and high repeat contents (more than 80 %). Our Japanese
group was responsible for the sequencing of wheat chromosome 6B. Using DNAs
from the fl ow-sorted chromosome arms, we conducted whole-chromosome shotgun
sequencing of chromosome 6B. We sequenced more than 12 million reads obtained
from the short and long arms by GS-FLX Titanium, and assembled contigs of
235 Mb for 6BS and 273 Mb for 6BL were generated by GS assembler 2.7 (Roche).
These assemblies cover 56.6 % and 54.9 % of estimated sizes of 6BS (415 Mb) and
6BL (498 Mb), respectively. We annotated repetitive regions covering more than
80 % of contigs, 4,798 possible expressed loci, and various kinds of RNA genes
using our annotation pipeline. We also found the evolutionary conserved regions
among syntenic chromosomes from four grass genomes. For application of the 6B
sequences to wheat genomics, various kinds of markers, such as simple sequence
repeat (SSR) and insertion site-based polymorphism (ISBP) markers were constructed.
Combination of the marker data with the comparative genome analysis will lay a
strong foundation of functional genomics of the group-6 chromosomes in wheat.
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Autoři z ÚEB: Jaroslav Doležel,
Hana Šimková,
Endo Takashi