Fyzikální ústav Akademie věd ČR

Cw and Pulsed ESR Spectroscopy of Paramagnetic Centers in Porous Materials

Seminar Tuesday, 27/09/2011 14:30

Speakers: prof. Andreas Pöppl (Universität Leipzig)
Place: lecture hall of Institute of Physics AVCR na Slovance
Presented in English
Organisers: Department of Analysis of Functional Materials

One major challenge in the research of porous materials is the spectroscopic characterization of surface adsorption complexes. If the metal ion adsorption complexes are paramagnetic the structure of the formed complexes, the specific adsorption sites at the solid surface, and the dynamics of the adsorbed molecules can be accessed by EPR spectroscopic methods. In particular, pulsed EPR techniques such as HYSCORE and pulsed ENDOR experiments provide key information about the environment of the paramagnetic ions at the surface by the measurement of weak super hyperfine (shf) interactions with surrounding nuclear spins. In this presentation two examples will be presented for the study of porous materials by cw EPR and pulsed EPR spectroscopy. The first is devoted to the grafting of vanadium(IV) complexes on the solid surface of porous Al2O3, and AlF3. In the second example, I will discuss the investigation of paramagnetic binuclear Cu-Zn clusters in the novel porous metal organic framework (MOF) compound Cu3-xZnx(BTC)2. In addition, the interaction of the Cu(II) ions in this MOF material with polar and non-polar adsorbents will be explored.

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