Fyzikální ústav Akademie věd ČR

Selected results of department 11

Nanoparticles (NPs) are very often viewed as the bulk-like material and their internal alignment is neglected. The main conjunction of the ideal NP with the corresponding bulk substance is that both are homogeneous within their whole volume, which means that any material parameter is constant within all unit cells of both the bulk and NP.

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Existence of magnetic alignment in Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) has been theoretically predicted [1, 2], but the existence of localized magnetic moment on carbon atoms has not been experimentally observed yet. The main complication is the presence of residual metal catalyst, which is used in the preparation of CNTs, thus the removal of catalyst and subsequent approval of CNT purity is essential [3].

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The rare earth (4f) intermetallic compounds with Fe or Co are famous as extremely powerful permanent magnets with exceptionally high uniaxial magneto-crystalline anisotropy. In R2Co17 compounds (R is a rare-earth metal), the strongest interaction is the Co-Co exchange interaction which primarily determines their Curie temperature, TC.  The full text >>

The exchange interaction through interface of dissimilarly ordered magnetic materials (e.g. an antiferromagnet (AF) in contact with a ferro- or ferrimagnet (F)) gives rise to a characteristic exchange bias (EB) effect [1] (i.e. shifted magnetic hysteresis loop with an enhanced coercivity), which is of fundamental importance for novel hard magnets, recording media, spin valve and tunneling devices.  The full text >>

The electrical activity of superfluid 4He induced by the relative motion of normal and superfluid components has been recently observed. It was induced in two different types of experiments. In a first experiment the electric potential oscillations were generated by a wave of second-sound, the out-of-phase oscillation of the normal and superfluid components. In a second experiment liquid helium was involved in motion by a torsional oscillator whose walls affected the normal component only.  The full text >>

We are studying experimentally the turbulent state of bellows-driven 4He superfluid flows in channels. Turbulence in a superfluid takes the form of a tangle of atomically-thin vortex lines with quantized velocity circulation, which arise as a consequence of the Bose-Einstein condensation of the superfluid [1]. In one project [2-4] we have studied the dependence of the total length of vortex lines, L, with mean flow velocity, v, in conditions of steady-state turbulence.  The full text >>

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