Fyzikální ústav Akademie věd ČR

Seminars and workshops of department 29

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Past seminars and workshops

Dr. Ignacy Sawicki Dark Energy: Evidence and Future Prospects 06.11.2015 14:00
Dr. M. Gary Higher Spin Lifshitz Holography 28.03.2014 15:00
Prof. A. Nikitin Integrable models with matrix potentials 26.08.2013 15:00
Prof. R. Gopakumar Minimal Model Holography 18.07.2013 15:00
Prof. Laurent Baulieu Minimizing gauge-functional for 2-d gravity and string theory 14.03.2013 15:00
Jaroslav Trnka Scattering Amplitudes and the Positive Grassmannian 05.11.2012 15:00
Dr. Dieter Van Den Bleeken Scaling solutions and pure Higgs states 22.10.2012 15:00
Luca Lopez Cubic interactions of higher spins in (A)dS 08.10.2012 15:00
Toshifumi Noumi Constraints on a class of classical solutions in open string field theory 24.09.2012 15:00
A. G. Nikitin Supersymmetric and superintegrable models of quantum mechanics 27.08.2012 15:00
Miloš V. Lokajíček Quantum physics without observers and paradoxes? 13.10.2011 15:00
B. Wecht New Tools for New SCFTs 24.05.2011 15:00
Mirian Tsulaia Interaction Vertices and BCFW Recursion Relations for Higher Spin Fields 23.11.2010 15:00
Andrea Campoleoni Asymptotic symmetries of 3D gravity coupled to higher-spin fields 11.10.2010 15:00
Josef Klusoň (Masarykova univerzita, Brno and CERN, Geneva) Gravity or Thermodynamics or what E. Verlinde says 10.05.2010 15:00
Dr. Dieter van den Bleeken, Rutgers Univ. (USA) Counting multicenter BPS states in N=2 supergravity 14.09.2009 14:30

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