Radka Janebová:
Inspirace transnacionálního feminismu pro transnacionální feministickou sociální práci [17]
« ročník 16, číslo 2/2015: Transnacionální feminismus
Janebová, Radka. 2015. „Inspirace transnacionálního feminismu pro transnacionální feministickou sociální práci.“ Gender, rovné příležitosti, výzkum 16 (2): 17-29, http://dx.doi.org/10.13060/12130028.2015.127.2.217
Inspirations of Transnational Feminism to Transnational Feminist Social Work
Abstract: The mission of social work is to promote human rights, social justice and social change. One of the currents of social work, transnational feminist social work analyses complex oppression based on racism, hierarchical nationalism, class exploitation and sexist control of women in different times and locations in the era of globalization. The paper aims to reflect on inspiration that transnational feminism can offer to transnational feminist social work and possible ways of social work in the era of globalization. Transnational Feminist Social Work originated as a response to globalization; theoretically it builds on transnational social work and transnational feminism. Therefore, the author firstly introduces a new transnational definition of social work, which responds to the global situation. Then she pays attention to the inspiration that transnational feminism brings to transnational feminist social work. In conclusion, she focuses on how to implement transnational feminist social work at the macro, meso- and micro-levels.
Keywords: transnational feminism; international social work; feminist social work; globalization