Galactic nuclei 2013

From Observational Challenges to Relativistic Modelling

The Cologne—Prague Workshop

August 6 – 8

Prague participants

M. Bursa (ASCR), M. Dovciak (ASCR), J. Hamersky (Charles University), V. Karas (ASCR), D. Kunneriath (ASCR), V. Sochora (ASCR), M. Zajacek (Charles University)

Scientific program

The scientific sessions will start in the morning of 6th August. The last session will end at noon on 8th August. We will have morning sessions from 9am to noon on all three days, and an afternoon session from 2pm to 5pm on Tuesday. There will be only oral presentation of 30 minutes, including discussion.
  • The Galactic Center
  • (A)GN and starbursts
  • Accretion
  • Relativity in action


There will be a conference fee of 100 Eur towards organizational costs.


Physics Center of the Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel (Germany)
Further information
