
Since its inception in 1991, CERGE-EI has educated students from 43 countries on 5 continents in modern economics. The graduate programs portfolio includes a career-oriented MA in Applied Economics and a theoretical, academia-oriented PhD in Economics. We also offer a Visiting Master's scheme for Master students from other universities who are interested in taking some PhD courses at CERGE-EI during their studies.

Unsure which program is the right for you? Follow our simple guide:

Choose the MA in Applied Economics if you:

- Have an interest in practical economics, used every day in the public and private sectors
- Hope to move away from large lectures and learn in small class discussion groups with leading experts in the field
- Want to earn a US Master’s degree in three semesters within a single academic year
- Seek to meet professionals from the business sphere and public sector
- Want to learn how to use economic theories to understand, analyze and interpret data
- Plan to enter the international job market in the near future or are aiming for a promotion

Choose the PhD in Economics if you:

- Want a rigorous graduate economics education
- Strive for a career in academia or  a high-level position in the public or private sector
- Would like to work with leading economics scholars
- Want to spend part of your studies at a top university abroad
- Can invest 4+ years in your academic training

Choose the Visiting Master's scheme if you:

- Would like to take PhD level courses while studying for your Master's